Growing up in Michigan, spending Sunday mornings at Church was a weekly occurence that I still remember vividly. I don't recall the actual services, but what I DO remember is the 15-30 minutes it took us to actually exit the building. You see, my dad is a doctor and as you can imagine, everyone in his path had a quick question to ask him about a sore neck, bad
Need an extra dose of music today? Check out past music mixes from other Guest DJ's HERE!
Another Monday starts with reason to get your mood up and get down to work, yes it's Motivation Mix Monday time. If you missed last weeks, or any of the past mixes, click HERE to get your motivation on....
Do you need more than one mix to make today rockin' be sure to check out the other mixes HERE!
As many of you know I didn't begin my career as a publicist or an entrepreneur....No, I began my professional career as a high school teacher (though I've come to learn there are several parallels and personality traits shared by high school students and those involved in the industries I work in, but those are stories for another day....).
Did you miss last week's inaugural Motivation Mix Monday featuring the Tin Shingle team members playlists? Check it out HERE!
I love hearing the stories behind the businesses and probably just as much, I love the amazing products and services they create. Buying from small businesses exposes you to so many innovative and fresh new ways to shop, eat, dress, decorate, live....the list is endless.