

IFTTT: The App That Does Your Thinking For You

Any app that promises to "put the Internet to work for you" is always going to pique my interest, and when my husband - a man I'd describe as a choosy app fanatic - began singing its praises, I had to check it out.  It, my friends, is IFTTT, otherwise known as "If That Then This".  Why are you

6 Apps & Programs to Heat up Small Business Success this Summer

If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, chances are you’ve picked up on the major gleaming difference between entrepreneurship and working at a traditional company: An entrepreneur’s job description and typical workday is rarely defined—there are many hats to be worn, and many hours in which to wear them all.

Live Chat Boxes: Intrusion? Or Sales Generator? Peggy Li Reveals Her Experience With This Communication

We were all on a Weekly Tin Shingle #TuneUp call one afternoon, talking about how small businesses are tracking their clients, customers and readers on their websites, when one of our Tin Shingle members Peggy Li chimed in that she loves interacting with her shoppers via her Live Chat

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