Ah the editor preview/editor meet and greet events. Often these can propel your brand's success to the next level and publicists use this technique often when introducing clients' products to the press. Pitching your products via email or ph
It's late at night, you're sleuthing around, trying to find out how to pitch a magazine your brand would be perfect for. You're a business owner, or you're the bright staff member a business owner has hired to score them major press. Or you're the PR agency your client has hired, and you're working your networks of knowedge to land that big hit.
If you've been checking our upcoming class schedule you may have seen that we'll be doing an encore "How to Pitch for the Holidays" class next week. That said we wanted to get you started on that work no
Get ready, because I'm about to reveal to you the easiest way to brand and promote yourself. It's free, it will reach several people every day, it could prove to be a gamechanger and YOU'RE in control of it...
Here's something you should know about me: I LOVE posters that employ the use of graphics (photos or backgrounds) with cool typography over them. You see these regularly on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even company's websites. Why do I love them?
What do the Oscars, Golden Globes, People's Choice Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards and your brand have in common?