The Tin Shingle Blog


Entrepreneur Day Hits! Nationally Recognized as November 19th.

In February of 2009, we dreamed of having a nationally recognized Entrepreneur Day. Well, has just reported that the Grassoper Group had the same thought and launched a Twitter campaign to try and convince President Obama to create a national holiday for Entrepreneurs.

Last Monday, Present Obama did sign it into law! Declaring the week from November 14 to November 20 as National Entrepreneur Week, and as reported by, called for " “all Americans to commemorate this week with appropriate programs and activities, and to celebrate November 19, 2010, as National Entrepreneurs’ Day.”

We celebrate, and salute! Initially, we thought it a holiday in which entrepreneurs would be encouraged to stop working, just for a minute, to relax and recharge. But with this spotlight, the wheels are turning to create opportunities to help people "Buy Entrepreneur"!

So, years ago, we started a program called Buy Entrepreneur, to encourage all customers and potential clients to "Buy Entrepreneur" and support independent brands. Click here to see who of our membership supports Buy Entrepreneur, and please share with us in the comments below when you "bought entrepreneur" this week!

Ok, I'll start: I just bought a Tic Toc Tokei clock with deer on it for my daughter's room, from the Beacon, NY based boutique, Echo, hand-made by Rep-Air. Love it. And buying it felt so good because I supported two entrepreneurs at once.

Tic Toc Toki Clock

Member Spotlight: Lara Dalch

Lara Dalch is a health counselor, Certified Pilates Instructor, and marketing consultant in New York City. Through her health counseling and fitness practice, Dalch Wellness, she teaches busy professionals everywhere how to balance their health, fitness, and lifestyle goals with hectic lives. Lara is also owner of Dalch Marketing, where she taps into her 15 years of corporate marketing experience to coach businesses – large and small – on the use of marketing strategies for growth.

Previously, Lara was Head of Brand Development/Promotions at Classic Media, where she created promotional campaigns and partnerships for famous brands such as The Lone Ranger, Where’s Waldo?, Underdog, and Lassie. Prior to joining Classic Media, she was Director of Promotions Marketing for Cartoon Network & Adult Swim; and held various roles in marketing and promotions for Comedy Central and Wizards of the Coast (now a division of Hasbro).

Lara holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Virginia. She maintains active membership in numerous professional associations and volunteer organizations including Tin Shingle, IDEA Health and Fitness Association, and Taproot Foundation. She is an avid traveler with a particular love for Italy and all things Italian. Visit her brands at and

If you have questions for this entrepreneur, email us at

To get to know more of our members, visit our Entrepreneur Directory

The Daily Love's Mastin Kipp Talks Twitter-Power, Entrepreneurship Inspiration

If you are part of the Twitter world, chances are you've seen a tweet by The Daily Love, or its founder Mastin Kipp.  If you have not seen one directly from "TDL" you probably saw it re-tweeted.  Why?  The Daily Love (which is currently comprised of a free, daily newsletter filled with inspirational quotes, intentions to meditate on, thoughts from Mastin and more) is now the 7th most re-tweeted handle on Twitter.  In fact, the Twitter team themselves called them one of the most organically grown followings on the social media network!

The self-professed daily e-vitamin for your soul (I myself refer to him as my online Xanax) they have over 275,000 followers and this number is growing exponentially.  Their Facebook following is growing daily as well.  But enough about how fabulous they are on Twitter, and how many people read their daily newsletter and have made it part of their regular routine...

I just love it because it makes me feel good, and because The Daily Love has the ability to touch everyone from everyday people living on "Main Street USA" as much as it does celebrities ranging from Kim Kardashian to Niche Media founder Jason Binn.  This newsletter gets around, in the best sense of the word.

I was beyond lucky to meet Mastin on a business trip in L.A. earlier this year and since then have become even more interested in his brand, his model and his story.  When I discovered he was coming to NYC to visit I had to connect, and over a breakfast of kale chips, Kombucha and other healthy treats we chatted about the success of The Daily Love.  Now for the FULL story you'll have to wait for our exclusive with Mastin in an upcoming Collective Insider interview, but until then here are a few of my favorite nuggets from our talk:

On Twitter Success:

Having a following as powerful as The Daily Love has doesn't happen by what are a few Twitter rules Mastin follows?

* Be authentic.  When you are doing what you love and what you are supposed to do you succeed.  When you are speaking from your heart and your soul people will listen.  When I asked Mastin why he thinks people connect with TDL, he mentioned that no matter who you are, Kim K or Sabina P, humans tend to share about 10 universal human stories and he speaks authentically to those stories.  Now your brand may not be "selling inspiration" but figure out what your authentic voice is and speak from there.  The right people will connect with you.

* Technically speaking learn how to tweet so that people can re-tweet you.  Mastin learned that if he can master 115 character tweets, it allows others to re-tweet him with his message in tact.  So it's not just the 140 character message you are trying to cram in there, you need to think about how that will be further sent out into the "twitter-verse".

* Remember that these days it's not simply about CPM and just getting people to your site, it's all about the CPA - getting ACTION from those people.  You may have tons of unique visitors but what are they actually DOING when they are on your site.  Quality not always quantity....Something  to think about that is sure to be discussed more and more in the world of social media and outreach.

I could go on and on about The Daily Love and believe me, I wanted to stay at breakfast with him all day, but duty calls.  That said, be sure you sign up for the newsletter, follow him on Twitter (if even to see how good tweeting is done), and stay tuned for our full interview, coming soon!

Now you know I couldn't let Mastin leave without giving me a nugget of entreprenuerial inspiration as well, and I asked him, what do you think it takes to be an entrepreneur? 
What would you say it's all about....And no it wasn't about the hours, about the willingness to sacrifice your social life and sleep, the college degree or MBA....What is it that an entrepreneur needs and a successful entrepreneur has?  Courage.  The courage to be authentic, to create something out of the ether, to not give up on your mission when things are hard.  It all goes back to courage.  Now go forth and be courageous (and tweet about it)!


From Tweet to Purchase in Under an Hour: Fred Flare Nails it via Twitter

I feel like we can tell you until we're blue in the face that Twitter can be a great tool for sales and outreach to your customers, but often it's the real life examples, the anecdotes and the proof that one small tweet can lead to sales, that really make an impact.  Well today is your lucky day because we have just that, a Twitter sale story that's true, and hopefully will inspire you to get out there and tweet about one of your own products or service offerings today.

The time:  Saturday, November 6th.  The location: Greenpoint, Brooklyn.  The situation:  I was hunting down the perfect birthday cake for my sister, when like many people who can't sit still in a bakery line for more than thirty seconds without having to do something to entertain myself, I checked my Twitter feed on my Blackberry and I came across the following tweet from Fred Flare, one of my favorite funky boutiques that read:

Well, HOW could I resist finding out what the BEST HAT EVER was?  I immediately clicked on the link and they were right, it was a cute hat and something I could picture my sister in....there she was (in my head) walking her dogs in the park with the BEST HAT EVER on her head.  It had to be mine...Wasting not one more moment I paid for the cake and took off over to Fred Flare (which also happens to be located in Greenpoint) to hunt down said hat.  **Please note, had I not been a Brooklyn resident with easy access to the shop I'd have been online the moment I was home, this hat was not to be passed up!

Before long I was at the shop, lead by the sassy tweet, and there it was, the BEST HAT EVER.  I purchased it, they wrapped it, and I found about 4 more things I wanted in the store in the time being, and there you have it, Fred Flare went from a tweet to a sale in less than an hour.

What I love about this business lesson isn't simply that the boutique used Twitter, but that they also used it in a way that led me to open up their link, they had piqued my curiousity and it paid off.  Whether you sell hats, cookies, organizing services, name it, you need to not only be where your customers are (and with over 145 million users on Twitter you have customers there, trust me) but you need to be sending tweets that tempt them over to your website to find out more, to experience your brand and hopefully to make a purchase.

Now back to our story.  When we left off I had snagged not only the birthday cake, but the BEST HAT EVER for my sister.  We celebrated that night and I'm going to toot my own horn and say the hat was a hit.  Thank you Fred Flare Twitter feed and thank you Twitter!

The hat...

DIY PR Tip: How to Find Any Local Media Outlet Faster!

Part of every PR campaign will inevitably mean reaching out to local press.  This could mean telling your success story to your hometown press, or it could also mean that you're planning to visit cities other than your own and you need to figure out what outlets there need to be pitched.  Publicists do the same thing, if we have a client doing a media tour in a city we aren't familiar with we need to quickly figure out the press outlets that are located there, determine which ones are relevant to our campaign/client/pitches and begin outreach. 

Here's another time you should begin to think about media outlets in diferent cities:  anytime you are visiting one.  If you are an expert or entrepreneur with a story or tips to share, and you find yourself in another city for a few days, why aren't you trying to reach out to the news media there and tell them your story?  There is no reason you shouldn't be spending a little bit of time allocated for PR outreach to see if you can do a segment while you're in town.  Okay scractch that, there is a reason:  if you have nothing relevant to share with them, don't reach out to them.  If you're in Dallas and you run a company that does NYC bus tours, this may not be your scene.  That said, if you are a home organizer and you can take your tips on the road, it's worth a try!

Often the first step here is the hardest - which outlets do I reach out to?  Well long story short, that's the point of this blog entry.  Even though publicists have access to great databases filled with names of outlets that span from newspapers to radio shows for nearly every geographic location in the country (which we pay for), we still need to start somewhere.  I personally often struggle with hunting down the tv stations for different cities - in New York City local NBC is WNBC - what is it in other parts of the country, like Columbus, Ohio?  Detroit, Michigan?  Atlanta?  Sure I can seach within databases but I want a quick lay out of all the tv stations in a city at once and I want it fast.  Sometimes I want to see every newspaper in Miami, or another time recently I wanted to find every Home Decorating & Design media outlet that was a national outlet. 

Where do I go for these things?  I go to the Mondo Times website.  It houses over 27,670 outlets in over 212 countries!  Now it's not going to specify which reporter you should call or their contact info but it will tell you things like what it covers, a description, how often it comes out etc.  It's the best place to start, especially if you don't have access to a fancy media database.  Several entries even take you to the outlet's website where you can find more contact information.

Keep this website in your back pocket, it's worth it whenver you need to find outlets locally, nationally and even internationally!  Sure you can pay for fancy contact lists but wait for the time when you can really spend your overhead on that.  For now, use tools like this to get the job done!


Member Spotlight: Joi Mitchell

Joi Mitchell is a co-creator of Space and Soundz, a virtual home and music styling business. The "Space" side focuses on Virtual Styling, a relatively new marketing service targeting vacant real estate properties by using high quality photos and interior styling them through digital design.

A true music fan to the bone, Joi's life's journey has allowed her to work for the top music distributor (BMG) now Sony Music Entertainment. During that time, she was able to market artists at Jive Records, Laface, J Records, Verity, RCA, and more. The solopreneur bug hit Joi in 2001, and for 6 years, she developed event marketing programs for TV, Film, Music, & Publishing. After closing her event marketing company, she began to work with at-risk teens while still having the desire to give entrepreneurship one more try. In January 2010, Joi launched Space and Soundz Co. with her business partner and they haven't looked back. Visit to learn more.

If you have questions for this entrepreneur, email us at

To get to know more of our members, visit our Entrepreneur Directory

To become one of our members and start promoting your brand with us in creative ways, join today.


Members in the News

See who the media is highlighting, and why. You will get inspired by these articles and the entreprenuers they feature:

Chu Shu is Fixing America as featured in US News & World Report. featured the new strittens from Nomie Baby in their "featured finds" section; a must for chilly strolls.

 Cheeky Living featured in D&D Magazine - Argentina.

 Bella Life founder Nitika Chopra is featured in YFS Magazine as an up and coming business woman!

 City Baby New York, the "ultimate guide for parents from pregnancy to pre-school" says, the Nomie Baby car seat cover is "... one of the best have no idea how revolutionary this product is."

Tin Shingle members are able to submit their press into the Tin Shingle system at any time, at which point it is Tweeted and Facebooked, and entered into this newsletter to inspired others.

Exclusive Entrepreneur Week Hook Up: Two Free Day Passes & One Week Long Pass Giveaway

Sometimes one of the most beneficial things you can do for your company's business strategy is find ways to get re-energized, inspired by great speakers and experts and connect with other entrepreneurs.  That's the spirit of New York Entrepreneur Week which once again is putting together a fantastic week which will include more than 100 speakers from 40 cities, 15 states and 3 continents who will be participating in powerful panels and inspiring keynote speeches.

Attendees will have the chance to connect with and learn from some of the best and brightest entrepreneurs who are "relentless, driven and dedicated to improving your business and the economy."

Sounds like a plan and we're definitely clearing our calendars! You can check out the full schedule of events and speakers for this November's Entrepreneur Week HERE

Now let's get down to the giveaway goodness....

Our friends at New York Entrepreneur Week are offering two day passes to this November's NYEW as well as one full week pass which we'll be giving away via a link you will find in next week's Tin Shingle Newsletters.  The two day passes are available to ANYONE who subscribes to the newsletter (members & non-members alike) and the week long pass is a member only offering.

How do you get your hands on the NYEW free passes? 

Step One:  Be sure you are subscribed to the Tin Shingle Newsletter which you can do right HERE if you have not yet.

Step Two: Watch your inboxes next week for a special "New York Entrepreneur Week Giveaway" email.  If you are a member, check your inboxes next week for a second, exclusive member email.  Within those emails you will find a link to the passes on our website and giveaway codes that will allow you to purchase your free passes.  Be fast on your feet, as the first to purchase them with the codes will be the ones joining us at November's week long entrepreneur extravaganza!



Ag Apparel Designs for People with Physical Challenges

This is the fourth blog post in our series on Oprah submissions from members. Tin Shingle is doing a collective pitch to the producers for consideration in her Favorite Things. Join today to be included in other opportunities like this.

Jordan Silver, founder and lead designer of Ag Apparel, has revolutionized life for the wheelchair bound: she gives them fashion to set them free. Jordan was inspired to start Ag Apparel while watching her aunt, Janet Silver, battle ALS. Because of its debilitating effects, Jordan watched her aunt struggle to keep her independence and dignity through dress. Aunt Janet opened Jordan's eyes to the possibility of filling the void in the adaptive apparel market with not only high fashion, but accessible fashion for the wheelchair bound and others who have trouble employing actions others take for granted, like buttoning a shirt.

Janet Top from Ag ApparelJordan launched Ag Apparel with a seamless wrap shirt, which Jordan named the "Janet" in memory of her aunt, who passed away shortly thereafter. For this reason, 5% of all profits from the "Janet" top are donated to the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation, an organization raising awareness and finding a cure for ALS. Aunt Janet is the passion and inspiration behind the seams of all Ag Apparel pieces.

Jordan already has a large fan base, after being involved with the Ms. Wheelchair America Association, showing her collection at various Fashion Shows all over the country, and attending expos to inform major retailers and consumers about the importance of providing universal adaptive apparel to everyone in various sizes and price points.

In January 2009, Ag Apparel got its first big break when Adam Glassman of O, The Oprah Magazine exclaimed: "Every woman should have the choice to be chic whatever her circumstance, so I am excited about Ag Apparel, a line of clever separates designed for people with physical challenges."

Ag Apparel in Oprah Magazine

The Story of Sabina Les Scarves

This is the third blog post in our series on Oprah submissions from members. Tin Shingle is doing a collective pitch to the producers for consideration in her Favorite Things. Join today to be included in other opportunities like this.


To Sabina, being an entrepreneur means having the ability to create a vision and give it to people to enjoy and make it a part of their lives.

After being laid off from her job a year ago, Sabina started working on making her lifelong dream of having a fashion brand a reality. Entrepreneurship is no stranger to Sabina. Her family, originally from Kiev, Ukraine, worked their way towards the American Dream.

Currently, the Sabina Les brand is a one-woman show, produced by Sabina herself. She doe all of the textile and style designs, production, selling, promoting, and all the legwork in between. Her first year in business was turbulent, marked by the recession period, and learning from her mistakes. Despite that, during her first year, Sabina Les caught the attention of notables such as Bloomingdales, Henry Bendel, Elle Magazine, fashion style book, The Today Show, and others.

The scarf you see here is from Sabina's Signature Scarf collection. All textile art is designed by Sabina and proudly manufactured in the USA.


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