From Tweet to Purchase in Under an Hour: Fred Flare Nails it via Twitter


I feel like we can tell you until we're blue in the face that Twitter can be a great tool for sales and outreach to your customers, but often it's the real life examples, the anecdotes and the proof that one small tweet can lead to sales, that really make an impact.  Well today is your lucky day because we have just that, a Twitter sale story that's true, and hopefully will inspire you to get out there and tweet about one of your own products or service offerings today.

The time:  Saturday, November 6th.  The location: Greenpoint, Brooklyn.  The situation:  I was hunting down the perfect birthday cake for my sister, when like many people who can't sit still in a bakery line for more than thirty seconds without having to do something to entertain myself, I checked my Twitter feed on my Blackberry and I came across the following tweet from Fred Flare, one of my favorite funky boutiques that read:

Well, HOW could I resist finding out what the BEST HAT EVER was?  I immediately clicked on the link and they were right, it was a cute hat and something I could picture my sister in....there she was (in my head) walking her dogs in the park with the BEST HAT EVER on her head.  It had to be mine...Wasting not one more moment I paid for the cake and took off over to Fred Flare (which also happens to be located in Greenpoint) to hunt down said hat.  **Please note, had I not been a Brooklyn resident with easy access to the shop I'd have been online the moment I was home, this hat was not to be passed up!

Before long I was at the shop, lead by the sassy tweet, and there it was, the BEST HAT EVER.  I purchased it, they wrapped it, and I found about 4 more things I wanted in the store in the time being, and there you have it, Fred Flare went from a tweet to a sale in less than an hour.

What I love about this business lesson isn't simply that the boutique used Twitter, but that they also used it in a way that led me to open up their link, they had piqued my curiousity and it paid off.  Whether you sell hats, cookies, organizing services, name it, you need to not only be where your customers are (and with over 145 million users on Twitter you have customers there, trust me) but you need to be sending tweets that tempt them over to your website to find out more, to experience your brand and hopefully to make a purchase.

Now back to our story.  When we left off I had snagged not only the birthday cake, but the BEST HAT EVER for my sister.  We celebrated that night and I'm going to toot my own horn and say the hat was a hit.  Thank you Fred Flare Twitter feed and thank you Twitter!

The hat...