Entrepreneur Day Hits! Nationally Recognized as November 19th.


In February of 2009, we dreamed of having a nationally recognized Entrepreneur Day. Well, Inc.com has just reported that the Grassoper Group had the same thought and launched a Twitter campaign to try and convince President Obama to create a national holiday for Entrepreneurs.

Last Monday, Present Obama did sign it into law! Declaring the week from November 14 to November 20 as National Entrepreneur Week, and as reported by Inc.com, called for " “all Americans to commemorate this week with appropriate programs and activities, and to celebrate November 19, 2010, as National Entrepreneurs’ Day.”

We celebrate, and salute! Initially, we thought it a holiday in which entrepreneurs would be encouraged to stop working, just for a minute, to relax and recharge. But with this spotlight, the wheels are turning to create opportunities to help people "Buy Entrepreneur"!

So, years ago, we started a program called Buy Entrepreneur, to encourage all customers and potential clients to "Buy Entrepreneur" and support independent brands. Click here to see who of our membership supports Buy Entrepreneur, and please share with us in the comments below when you "bought entrepreneur" this week!

Ok, I'll start: I just bought a Tic Toc Tokei clock with deer on it for my daughter's room, from the Beacon, NY based boutique, Echo, hand-made by Rep-Air. Love it. And buying it felt so good because I supported two entrepreneurs at once.

Tic Toc Toki Clock