How to Make the Most of your Spring/Summer Trips: Expert on Tour
Submitted by Sabina Hitchen on | 0 Comments
It's that time of year when many of you are planning quick getaways for your spring or summer vacations. Even if this only consists of a road trip, here's an idea that could possibly net you more brand buzz, more sales, and give you a couple hours of "fun work" to log, meaning you can enjoy the rest of your vacation that much more!
Expert on Tour:
While packing your swim trunks or hiking gear for your upcoming vacations/road trips, be sure not to forget your media kits and a great tv outfit - as it could well be time to take your expertise or cool business story on the road! If you have a business that can share some seasonal tips (lean meals for summer, how to create a staycation at home, family road trip advice, must-haves for summer fashion, how to keep the kids out of trouble in the summer, etc) or if you are an expert with a great story and bit of advice to share, why not think ahead and try to book yourself some press in the city you are visiting.
Why not? This is what pr firms do, why shouldn't you? Call ahead to news stations in your destination city and pitch yourself as an expert on tour. Have a one-sheet ( one page: short bio, talking points, headshot) and some great segment ideas ready to go.
Be sure you include contact information and the times and dates you will be available. Any old reels or media you have that can support you as an expert is great to include here as well! Then pitch and follow up beginning 6-8 weeks before your arrival, in order to time their calendar.
The more seasonal or relatable the story the better - so think about how you can spin yourself into a great short lead story!
TIP: to find the best media information for the city you are visiting just google their local news stations and call the information desk or news desk number, which is always provided online. Bonus points if you read through the website first to get familiar with the studio and networks style and reporters!
Bon Voyage!