The Tin Shingle Blog


What to Pitch in June: Get Ready to Get Press This Summer!

What to Pitch in June

Happy Summer! Welcome to warmer weather! I write that with a sigh as I'm currently staring out a window into a gray, gloomy and rain splattered New York City.  That said, the calendar says we're in June and you know what happens at the first of every month: the What to Pitch series comes back!

Every month we fill you're brain with inspiration to guide your story and themes, blog posts and media pitch ideas, and this month is no different.  As always, we encourage you to let your mind play with the ideas and themes and find ways to customize them to your own business and messsage, no matter what you do or create for a living. 

Raise your hand if you're ready for big summer buzz? Okay, all of you who are raising your hands, read on below for your story ideas!


Every season marks a new reason for the short lead media outlets, from television to online to newspapers, to share seasonal stories.  I love this type of theme because it's impossible not to find an angle that can be pitched out about your business. What type of stories does summer have in store for the press? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Summer safety and wellness (from bug bites to water safety to sun protection)
  • Healthy summer recipes
  • Schools out, now what? There are so many press stories built into this one!
  • Summer fashion, accessories, beauty or must-haves
  • Summer romance: advice, wisdom, facts, figures, studies you name it!
  • Roadtrip advice, safety, games or suggestions.
  • Family events & reunions -  experts can give advice on dealing with your family, share fun family games, talk about reunion planning, etc.
  • How to throw a summer: picnic, barbeque, gathering, cocktail party, etc.
  • Summer weddings - run with this one folks, it's packed with buzz-worthy story angles.

4th of July!

Yes, I know that Independence Day is in July, so why am I talking about it now? Because it's my birthday and I'm getting excited about it? Well, yes it is but that's not why...I'm sharing it because if you want to land some buzz for this BIG holiday you can't wait until a couple days before it hits to start pitching, you've got to start fairly soon.  Let's face it, the 4th of July is FILLED with story ideas you can pitch, no matter what type of business you run.  That said, it's also the type of holiday that a lot of buzz builders will want to capitalize on, so you must be that early bird that gets the worm.  The holiday also sees members of the press taking vacations and holidays from work, so they may be pre-taping segments and locking their stories before the holiday weekend, another reason to start your outreach early!

While you're thinking of 4th of July themed pitches and story angles let me just plan this seed in your head: entrepreneurship is all about independence, am I right? So consider creating a story angle rooted in that concept, your entrepreneurial journey and freedom!

Father's Day - June 21st

In only a few weeks we'll be celebrating our dads. How can you make this work for your buzz building? I'd get cracking on some "FD" themed blogs, social media posts and story ideas. You can actually read a full Father's Day buzz building tip sheet here, but in terms of press-worthy story ideas, here are some to get your mind churning:

  • How to throw the perfect Father's Day brunch/dinner/barbeque
  • Last minute gifts for dad (some websites, TV shows and newspapers will still be pulling this, do your research and act fast).
  • A day in the life of a "dadpreneur" - what's it like, what are the challenges and the highlights, offer to share them with your local media.
  • DIY Father's Day gifts
  • Advice dad gave me that has changed my life - get together with a few other entrepreneurs, make a panel (or a collection of talking points) and pitch away!
  • What your biz is doing to celebrate dads this year: if it's visual hit up your local TV stations!
  • Tips to master the toughest "dad challenges"


The happiest of June to you my small business friends, here's to summer!  Have another story idea you love to share with the press or on your blog during June? Share it below!

Do Check Out The TuneUp That Goes With This Article:

TuneUp for What To Pitch The Press and Plan In June 2015


Three Cheers for These Members Snagging Press

It always warms our hearts when our members get press. We honor and celebrate their hustle and pitching prowess.

Here is a peek at some of our recent member press which you can read more about on our Member Press page.

For even more inspiration and to learn how to hone your own pitching skills, be sure to tune in to our Weekly Live TuneUp every Wednesday. TuneUps are free to all members.

Members can also take advantage of a variety of other amazing PR tools like exclusive editorial calendars, media contact lists and more! Not a member yet? Check out what you're missing!

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The Press: They're Just Like Us! Here's How to Make That Work For You

Oh, the revered, feared and much-sought-after members of the media.  The press!  Those influencers that we as small biz owners long to connect and build relationships with, who also make us nervous when we think of emailing them, calling them, following them, tweeting them - you name it! Well fear no more!  The purpose of this post is to squash those nerves and remind you: the press are just like us!

I've worked in some facet of PR for over ten years.  First, as a PR assistant, then an agency account manager, then I started my own agency and from the on out working with the press has occupied some part of my days and weeks - in fact it's hard to recall the days when I didn't have media on my mind. One of the many bonuses of being in that world for so long is that I've been able to "grow up" with many members of the media I work with.  I was able to watch women move from assistants at Seventeen Magazine to big time editors at the Huffington Post.  These same women at the same time were getting married, have children and grow their influence.  I've watched a favorite editor who  worked her way up from the accessories department at Oprah Magazine move on to a bigger job at More Magazine who just this week announced she was moving on up the editorial chain to guide younger editors at Redbook.

I've gone to Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties with them, I've glasses (bottles) of red wine with them while we lament busy work schedules, relationship adventures, family life and more.  In fact, I'm going to one major online/on-air influencer's son's first birthday party at the end of June!  What's my point?  These people are just like us.  Sure, they have jobs that can change your business in a major way, but what I want you to get out of this is that they're human.  That relationships with them are not impossible to create.  That they want to help you (if you're the right fit for them).  They aren't untouchables and you should not fear them! 

Believe me, when I was a young, green publicist I sure did.  But I couldn't avoid them, I had to connect, and I soon learned that the producers, editors and journalists that intimidated me were awesome, normal people who were much easier to relate to than I expected.  Sounds like it should be obvious but when someone has so much perceived power over your brand you can forget it...

So let's remember it again! Let's remember the press are just like us.  Let's work with them like they are! In an attempt to help you do that, here are a few pointers:

1. Treat the press like you would like to be treated:

Learn their names and say them right.  Learn their beat and read their coverage.  Compliment them on Twitter or via email when they rock a story. Figure out their work schedule and call them at the right time (social media or simply asking makes this a lot easier). When you call them or email them have manners, be polite. This is especially true when calling them on the phone.  How would you want someone to treat you when they interrupt your day at work?  Behave accordingly (i.e. polite and succinct).

2. Find common ground to use as a foundation for a working relationship:

Do you love spin classes and know they do too (because you follow their Instagram)? Do you share the understanding of what it's like to be a working mother? Perhaps you find out what type of candy they love, and send some to them. Sound crazy? It's not. I did it.  After reading about the type of candy a certain WWD editor loved on her Twitter feed, I sent her a massive bag of it (she's the editor in the bottom right hand corner's #TBT pic).  Let's just say it wasn't a bad thing.  The point is, make an effort to connect.  That's how real relationships form and guess what, they're real people who want a real relationship with you!

3. Figure out how to make their lives easier.

Sure, you want a normal relationship with them but no, this isn't without a work element involved. So instead of thinking "how can I get what I want" shift your focus to say "how can I give them what they need, package it as it would work for them, and make their lives easier?"  It's a simple mindset shift that requires you to slow down, think a bit strategically, and make it work for them, which if done right, will make it work for you too!

4. Move past fear and discomfort and dive in!

If you were a single guy or gal trying to get a date, you wouldn't expect it to happen by sitting quietly on your couch all day hiding from the world (unless you were deeply embedded in a or OKCupid hunt).  In the same way, if you want to grow real relationships with the press you have to get out there, just as if you were dating and make them happen!  Realize that you have something awesome to share, that the world and editors and readers and producers and vierwers want and need to hear about it, and go for it!  Connect with them! Offer to bring them coffee! Find a time to have a quick phone call!  Persistently and politely keep in touch. Treat them with the Golden Rule in mind and remember, they really are just like us!


#SmallBizSpotlight: Kiki Rupert Creates Candles Good for You & The Earth

Kiki Rupert Founder Honest Earth Candles

Meet Kiki Rupert, founder of all natural armoatherapy Honest Earth Candles, mother, multiple hat-wearer and to be honest, a woman who educated all of us at Tin Shingle about how important it is to have a good candle in your life - not only for relaxation but for your health!

Like many entrepreneurs, Kiki didn't plan on becoming a candle maker, but inspiration combined with necessity, and it was then that her small biz story began.

What inspired you to get started?
I wanted to create a product that wasn’t full of toxic synthetics and carcinogens that are found in so many common household products. When my family and I bought our first home, the previous owners had left a brand new candle in the kitchen cabinet. One day I decided to light it and strangely it ended up flooding the entire kitchen air space with a black haze. To make matters even worse when we went to change the a/c filter a few days later it was completely black! All the smoke and soot put off by the candle had been trapped in the filter. It got me thinking this is messed up. What is really being released into the air I’m breathing when a candle is burning?

I decided to do a little research and discovered the candle industry is not concerned with regulations regarding wax and fragrances that are used in the production of candles. Paraffin wax candles, which is what the majority of people burn (think Yankee Candle), is a byproduct of crude oil, which is a health concern by releasing carcinogenic chemicals when burned. The fumes are similar to that released from a diesel engine and can be as dangerous as second-hand cigarette smoke. Two particularly nasty toxins found in the soot of paraffin wax candles are benzene (a carcinogen) and toluene (that damages the central nervous system). It is also damaging to the environment having a negative impact on our Earth through events such as oil spills and releasing a range of pollutants into the air. Fragrances that are used in candles are made in a lab with toxic garbage that is not even regulated. Manufacturers are not required to list ingredients on product labels or reveal the specific ingredients to regulating authorities, because they are protected as trade secrets. Some of the most common chemicals in fragrances are ethanol, acetaldehyde, benzyl acetate, acetone, linalool, a-terpinene, and limonene. These chemicals can cause irritability, mental vagueness, asthma, sinus pain, fatigue, throat irratation, eye irritation, gastrointestinal problems, laryngitis, headaches, dizziness, coughing, and itching of the skin. When I founded Honest Earth Candles I made every point to create a candle that is both good for you and good for the Earth.

Honest Earth Votive Candles

...Good for you

  • Metal and lead free unbleached wicks
  • Free of color additives
  • 100% pure essential oil
  • Virtually no black soot
  • Burns cooler than paraffin wax
  • Cleans up easily with soap and water
  • Soy wax meets FDA standard
  • Kosher certified soy wax
  • Free of Genetically Modified Materials
  • Spa quality massage oil and hand moisturizer

...Good for Earth

  • Zero dependence on foreign oil
  • Biodegradable soy wax
  • Not tested on animals
  • Recyclable packaging
  • Reusable containers
  • Supports U.S. farmers
  • Zero waste for landfills
  • Sustainable production practices
  • NO petroleum products used
  • Free of pesticides and herbicides
  • Free of synthetics

What was your background? Was it in what you are doing now?
I have my Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Studies, I have been a licensed Esthetician for 11 years, and I am a certified Natural Health Consultant. All three of my educational avenues have really melded together to help me create my eco-friendly healing wax candles. I never thought I would be making candles as a business, but I really love every minute of it, especially the creative process. I only wish I had some sort of formal education in business and/or PR and marketing, because the whole corporate world is vast and perplexing; there is just so much to consider and keep up with in running a business. I am really learning the business side as I go and it feels like the learning never ends.

What has been the biggest surprise about launching Honest Earth Candles?
The biggest surprise was after countless weeks of researching other candle businesses there was nothing I found on the level of what I created with our candles. The amount of companies that use these sly little play on words to sell off their candles as something ALL “natural” and 100% “pure” was astonishing. For example, using a word like essence to make a product’s scent sound natural is really misleading, because an essence of vanilla for example is not a pure essential oil. Pure vanilla essential oil does not exist and when a business claims they are selling an essential oil candle that is vanilla lavender, it really is not 100% pure. The misleading play on words to sell products has really surprised me the most since the very beginning and still surprises me. How a business can get away with it just blows my mind.

What is one of your PR dreams for Honest Earth Candles?
I have really had my heart set on being featured on the Today Show, whether it be on Jill’s Steals and Deals, Bobbie’s Buzz, or even Kathie Lee and Hoda Kotb just giving Honest Earth Candles a shout out on air would be a PR dream come true.

You probably wear several hats as an entrepreneur, tell us about  them.
I wear an astronomical amount of hats in life, but when it comes to the entrepreneur side I can narrow it down a bit. Let’s see….at Honest Earth Candles I am the creative director, director of communications, book keeper, buyer, candle maker, inventory clerk, sales representative, quality controller, customer service representative, and packer and shipper. I have my hands in absolutely everything and my husband helps too, especially on the numbers side. My mind doesn’t think in numbers; I’m more creative and extremely ADD so as to not even be close to being able to concentrate long enough to figure out an equation or conversion. When it comes to things like profit margins and finances I leave that all up to my husband. Numbers hurt my brain to be honest.
What challenge have you had to face that led to a big growth for your company?
The biggest challenge is getting Honest Earth Candles out to the masses. Marketing is everything and it costs everything as well! While the internet is great there are an infinite number of directions to navigate. The best decision we made to help expand our public and online reach was to sign up with TinShingle to help guide us in the right directions. It has opened up so many doors of opportunity and has provided a plethora of knowledge in how to effectively steer public relations for effective exposure.

What do you have going on in your business right now that you are excited about?
We are moving to northern California this summer and are so excited to be in that market. California in comparison to the east coast is more in tuned with nature, holistic healing and natural foods and products, which is what Honest Earth Candles is all about. There are also amazing trade shows and weekend markets that are out our way that draw in so many people. The celebrity scene is also huge out there and we really hope to be able to use that to our advantage.

What has been one of the most surprising rewards of your entrepreneurial journey?
One of the most surprising rewards is all of the support I have gained from customers who love our candles and melts, and what Honest Earth Candles stands for. I really love creating candles that are eco-friendly and natural, and when I am given positive feedback from people it’s just the best feeling ever. I thought it would be really rewarding to make lots of sales and be financially successful, but surprisingly I get the ultimate feeling of success when someone tells me how much they love their Honest Earth Candle.

What advice do you have for other entrepreneurs just beginning their journey?
My advice would be to always follow your intuition. There are a lot of people out there that will give you advice, but from personal experience it may not always be correct. Always perform your own due diligence with every big business decision and go with your gut feeling.

How do you keep yourself pumped and motivated despite the challenges you’ve faced growing your business?
Keeping motivated is something I have to do every day, because it is really easy for me to get off track when things get frustrating and unexpected road blocks appear. Listening to instrumental music keeps me calm when things don’t go as planned with the business. For some reason that type of music puts into perspective that no is on their deathbed or homeless, so things really are not that bad and will get better. When so much time, effort, and money has been spent on a business decision and it completely gets squashed by no fault of your own it just seems like the world is going to end some days and you just want to quit. One of my favorite quotes that I have to recite in my head often is, “This too shall pass.” Not taking every little setback so seriously is the best way I know to stay motivated, because let’s face it most of us are going to hear a lot of no’s before we get that yes!

Where would you love to see your business in 5 years?
We want Honest Earth Candles to be sold in big box retail stores like Target and Whole Foods. Expansion is our goal. We also want to create a few natural bath and body products to complement our candles that will be vegan and created without any synthetic preservatives. We want to always stay true to our motto: “Good for You, Good for the Earth.”

Keep up with Honest Earth Candles on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!

TV Contacts + Major Insider TV Info at Tin Shingle

Get On TV - TV Contacts and Major Insider TV Info at Tin Shingle

I have exciting media contact updates for you, but before I even get there I want to tell you that there are media contacts, and then there are media contacts that lead to relationships, and press, and buzz.  At Tin Shingle we give you the latter.  We don't just hand you a list of names and emails, we package them in our own co-founder (moi) and PR team's insight into what they cover. For instance, do you know which specific producers at the Today Show cover Hoda & Kathie Lee Gifford's segments? We do! And not to toot our own horn but toot, toot! Several of Tin Shingle members have appeared on the program.

As often as we can we curate the lists for you based on our own research and ongoing relationships. We teach you how your TV press targets like to be reached out to, and even when to get in touch with them. 

For instance: did you know that right now - in May - is not the time to be pitching shows like Dr. Oz and The View.  Why, you ask?  Because these shows actually go on summer hiatus during this time of year, and come back to work in mid-to late July. Is this still a good time to pitch yourself to potential Today Show segments? You betcha! They film all year long (though insider scoop alert: they often film the Friday segments for the 4th hour of the Today Show on Thursdays after the regular live Thursday show). 

If you are a member of Tin Shingle, you can access these Media Contacts right now in your account center. If you are not a member, you can join right now and have instant access to our database. Further, to teach you what to do with these contacts, anyone can access all of the courses, loads of free articles and expert tips) published by Tin Shingle to teach business owners and their teams to give you the extra help, information and insight that you need to get your brand on TV.

When you click into our media lists, you'll not only find everything from morning shows to daytime talk shows, including:

  • The Real
  • The View
  • Good Morning America
  • Today Show
  • Rachael Ray Show
  • Good Day LA
  • Good Day New York
  • and others,

You can also get access to local television programming, which for many of you is THE place you should begin pitching yourself when dipping your toe into pitching TV media.  If you don't see your own local morning TV shows or a specific segment in our database, members can email our membership coordinator directly, and our PR team will go on the hunt for the contacts for you.

What happens after you get the contacts? How can you ensure you're going to send a dynamite pitch that gets responses? We supply you with courses about how to pitch, who to pitch, and we answer your questions anytime you want to ask them in the private member Forum - our community will even workshop your pitch for you - in our private message boards.

There is no time better than now to get your business on air and there is no community better than Tin Shingle to help make those small screen dreams a big reality.  We can't wait to be part of your success story, come on over!

What TV show is your DREAM to be on? Tell us in the comments below!

SNAGGED: How One Member Uses Notetaking to Hone Her PR Skills

Zaida Khaze, Founder of Wiggletot, joined Tin Shingle with the hope of landing press. She listens to all TuneUps, and takes notes - 2 notebooks full! She acts upon her notes and is now landing press and talking to editors.

One Saturday morning, I was visiting the Tin Shingle forums, as I like to do during my Saturday morning coffee, and I got a response from Zaida Khaze, founder of Wiggletot, who casually mentioned to me that she was going to a suggestion I'd given her in a forum conversation and write it in her dedicated Tin Shingle "What To Do" notebook. In fact, here is a screenshot of when she said it:

Zaida saying that she takes notes in her Tin Shingle What To Do notebook for things she will change or try in her PR and marketing efforts.

As an educator and hopeful source of empowerment and encouragement for businesses to continuously get the word out there in a meaningful way, I was sort of over the moon about it, so I asked Zaida for pictures of these notebooks. To my delight, here they are!

And perfect that one of them is Hello Kitty. A mama does best when also staying rooted in her kids while she grows the business!

I have written about Zaida before, in how she scored her first national press in a national weekly magazine (which is one of many press placements she has landed using skills she learned at Tin Shingle). But let me highlight why she is finding success now, based on the notes she takes from Tin Shingle TuneUps, as well as tips she picks up from others in Tin Shingle's member-only Message Boards/Forums:

  • Zaida stopped sending from her aol email account.
    Big move here. Many, many people still use their aol account to represent their business. Many more of them are using their gmail, hotmail or yahoo accounts to pitch the press and conduct business. If you are one of these folks, give top priority to taking the plunge to log into whoever holds your domain or hosts your website, and set up your business email account. You already own it. It's already yours. You just need to set it up. This means you are sending from (replace with your own business website).
  • Zaida stopped sending Word documents within her emails.
    Sending messages that normally appear in the body of an email, but instead putting that note into a Word document, saving it, and attaching the document to an email is something that I am encountering people doing more often. If you are sending important information via attached document, stop right now. Just put your note into the email itself.
  • Zaida faced her fear of following up with editors.
    As a new business owner, and new to the world of directly pitching editors and influencers, Zaida wasn't sure how to follow up with people. What was too much? What was too bold? How should she reply to a celebrity who had her product? All was solved when she listened to [PR] TuneUp: How to Follow Up with the Media the Right Way - Scenarios, Strategies & Success-Minded Answers, and got responses from fellow members in Tin Shingle's Message Boards/Forums.
  • Zaida kicked butt with her e-newsletter.
    After listening to [NEWSLETTER] TuneUp: The Anatomy Of A Killer Newsletter, Zaida completely changed the way she was making her newsletters. Fortunately, she uses MailChimp, so changing was easy. As was using their drag and drop features that she had not explored yet.


Business owners and their teams have a LOT to do on a daily basis. As does everyone, but the thing that makes the business owner's job a little different is that they are doing different things throughout the day, many of which are completely new to them. Tin Shingle curates what business owners and their teams need to know and puts a focus on what they need to be paying attention to now. Members of Tin Shingle get tools and a community to make taking action easier. It's a pleasure when we get to see the change happen in a business in real time!



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