Submitted by Sabina Hitchen on | 3 Comments
This past week, entrepreneurs including fashion designers, restaurateurs, and makers of covetted must-have items let out an audible gasp as Daily Candy announced that after fourteen years, it was shutting down for good.
As someone who has pitched the outlet, placed businesses in it as a publicist, as well as taught others to pitch it via the Tin Shingle platform, I know how much this opportunity has meant to so many entrepreneurs, and how hard it is for so many to see it go! The Daily Candy Dream is one many business owners have in their heads that has been the focus of hundreds of vision boards and business strategies.
RELATED ARTICLE: Press Alternatives to Daily Candy: Who You Should Pitch Now That Daily Candy is Closed
For years, the chance to be featured in Daily Candy's e-newsletter, which results in the "as seen on Daily Candy" stamp of approval on your website could literaly change the life of a business owner. I can't tell you how many have included Daily Candy in their top three press placements wish list when telling me their business hopes and dreams over the years. And now it's gone. Though both Katie and I have our own thoughts on how Daily Candy grew and changed over the past few years, that's not what this article is about. Today we're talking about the thought that many business owners began wondering when they heard the news: so what does this mean to my brand? Here are my thoughts on the small business takeaways from this situation that I suggest you apply to your media dreams across the board:
#1 - Recognize that there are several other "Daily Candy-esque" newsletters and websites out there that you may have missed while pining for Daily Candy.
Some could even be more specific to your brand and niche. These include: Refinery29, Pure Wow, Cool Mom Picks, Urban Daddy, Thrillist and Cool Hunting. Another favorite I encourage every small business owner who formerly pursued Daily Candy to check out for possible PR opportunities is New York Magazine's The Cut. Point being? There are more fish in the editorial sea! To find out more about each of them read this insider's guide.
#2 - Realize that big media outlets like The Oprah Winfrey Show and her Favorite Things episodes, Daily Candy and so many more do run the risk of closing.
You can't count on one or two big press placements to make or break you. Or still be around when you're "ready to be made". This means if you're putting all your eggs and energy into those baskets and they close up shop, you've got to start from square one with all the other brand-changing outlets out there that you lost focus on or ignored. To prevent yourself from falling into this position, try out a more even distrbution of pitching energy. I'm not saying you have to pitch twenty or thirty outlets, but don't obsess over two or three so much (for years these were Today Show, Daily Candy and The Oprah Winfrey Show for many entrepreneurs) that you're missing out on major opportunities at their competitors or up and coming new media outlets!
#3 - Learn lessons from what the power of Daily Candy taught us all: people love to know you received a stamp of approval from a member of the press.
The more recognizable the outlet the better, but smaller yet more niche outlets are often powerful as well!. If you're doing PR and marketing the right way, there has been or may soon be a press feature that will give your business, products or services the thumbs up via a great review in print, online or on television. When this happens, you want to leverage and share that press - on your website, on social media, in your store, and so forth. Let people celebrate it with you, and let them see it as a validation that your business is one they should try out. It may not be Daily Candy, but the reward could be just as sweet!
It also made me realize how
It also made me realize how important it is to screen shot all press and not simply rely on a link back to it. This way it is forever achieved on a hard drive and not simply as a link via a website.
 Dawn, SUCH a good point! An
Dawn, SUCH a good point! An anyone who made videos with them - how important it is to have your own file of that video so that it can keep playing on your own site.
thanks Katie. Yes definitely
thanks Katie. Yes definitely save all video..I relized that after I tried to find a segment from a while back and it was gone becuase the show was no longer airing :(