Printed Treatment of Social Networking Buttons Like Facebook and Twitter


Businesses are devoting real estate, both in print and in stores, to their social networking locations, as we spotted in 2009 at WholeFoods, Mandee, and The Burger Joint. The same trend is showing up in print advertising. What is missing is the address. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube logos are showing up in these expensive ad placements, but not the URL, or name of where to go. See this ad below for the new series, Circus, on PBS, where they have included the social icons in the bottom right corner of the page.

Circus on PBS, social networking buttons

Great to know that this TV program is on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, but how is one to find Circus on these social networks? Facebook would seem easy enough - you can start typing into the Search box on Facebook. However, the first result does have over 2 million fans, but it's for MTV's Nitro Circus. PBS's Circus does not come up at all in the first 5 results. On Twitter, a search for this program will be hard to find.

The Takeaway: If you are including social networking buttons like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc., in print ads and brochures, include the URL of where to find it, and the Twitter handle. It doesn't take up much more real estate, and could get you more conversions and eyeballs!
