May I Present, Sabina Knows


Sabina Knows

I have known Sabina since I hung my own shingle as an accessories designer, and then as a website designer. She and I met in a business incubator when we were both trying to figure out how to grow our newly launched businesses. Even on the first day of the meetings, her energy and can-do attitude were infectious, and it hasn’t let up since that day in 2005.

Now we are in 2015 and Sabina achieved her goal of starting and running her own PR agency, landing clients on major networks and national magazines. She and I have realized our own goals of combining our experiences in PR and online marketing to help more businesses on a larger level by creating and running Tin Shingle. But over the years, Sabina had a different desire that couldn’t be satisfied in Tin Shingle alone: the desire to help others live a life that they love.

In our business conversations, Sabina would often repeat, “Life is not a dress rehearsal! Here is how we must accomplish XYZ, because we will!” Unable to contain this mantra anymore to just our own business goals and her own philosophy of living, Sabina has created and launched her new brand, Sabina Knows, where she serves as your own "success interventionist" and has created an online pep assembly for your soul in the form of her articles, e-blasts and future Sabina Knows TV.

Sabina is the daughter of a doctor who actually studied to be a man of the cloth, but fell in love with Sabina’s mom, so followed a path that let him have a family. Helping others and speaking about it is in her DNA. Visions of this manifested themselves into Tin Shingle’s programming and the way we deliver buzz building education. Everything Tin Shingle produces is packaged with can-do spirit and delivered with a spoonful of motivation. Tin Shingle’s TuneUps begin with a Motivation Minute which may or may not have anything to do with the curriculum of that day’s TuneUp, but always pep you up as a person building your business.

The Holistic Business articles that are published on Tin Shingle are a direct result of Sabina’s inner drive to help people live a life of passion and purpose, and to tap into what one really wants to have happen in their lives, and to free up the real estate in one’s brain from fear and doubt. To follow her own mantra, Sabina listened to her own inclinations to not only weave it into Tin Shingle, but to build a program dedicated just to that purpose of helping others live an awesome, fulfilled and productive life.

Sabina and I are pretty positive people. That’s why we’re a good match as business partners. We both value things like getting business or life inspiration from Cinderella (before it was remade in a costume love-fest) and other simple yet joyous sources of happiness. Sabina also makes you feel like you really can do the impossible, and that you deserve that accomplishment in your life. This is no doubt a benefit of her academic training as a teacher. Students from her teaching days continue to find her online and reach out to tell her how she made a difference in their lives. Business owners and employees who tune in to Tin Shingle’s weekly live TuneUp each Wednesday continue to have success because they do what she is talking about. Our video editor of these TuneUps (and my sister-in-law), looks forward to editing the hour long class not only because she gets to learn something, but because Sabina’s delivery is just so addicting. You instantly feel confident that you can go out and do what she just explained. And Tin Shingle members and listeners of the TuneUps feel the same, and have experienced success. Just this week, we are going to publish an article that shows the copious notes from one of our newest and most successful members who has filled not one but two notebooks with ideas and suggestions, and then acts upon them to see results.

Launching Sabina Knows around the time of Small Business Week is fitting because it is a reminder that those who start and run businesses usually have ideas for other businesses as well. Running more than one business is of course extra challenging, but as you know if you do run a business, compartmentalizing what you do each day is a requirement. Business owners are doing many different types of activities that do not directly relate to the process of actually making what they sell, or servicing clients. The learning curve of running a business is intense and requires learning about bookkeeping, communicating with clients, negotiating, approving logo designs, and so on. When you launch another business in addition to the one you have, you need to compartmentalize what you are doing, and when you are going to do that. And then throw some of your own children into the mix, and you realize that you can do anything!

I really really, highly encourage you to visit Sabina Knows if you haven't yet, and sign up for her very well thought out (and short!) motivational emails. Even if you think your life is pretty rosey already, there are probably a few tricks up her sleeve that you haven't thought of yet, from "dressing like you mean it" to adventures into your Discomfort Zone.  There's always room for improvement in all of our lives, and visiting Sabina's new website and signing up for her Morning Mantra will help you do just that!

Sabina wrote her own coming-out blog post about why she started Sabina Knows. Read about it in her own words in her post titled "Beginning Is Always The Hardest Part".
