Money Monday: How Are You Saving Yours?


It's #MoneyMonday! How are you saving yours today? Inspired by the latest newsletter from Down To Earth Finance from Galia Gichon Clemens, my tip of the week is to contribute to your IRA today. As your own boss and head of your company, there may not be an HR Department doing this for you!

I'm taking my own advice and heading over to my IRA account to dust it off and reopen that portal. Back when I hung my own shingle eleven years ago, I also was getting married and moving into a first time home. It was the year when President Obama passed a temporary passing that you could cash out your IRA to help you buy a home. Well, I did that :)

And now it's time to fill it back up. It's part of my 2016 New Year's Resolutions, and I'm consciously checking in on those to make sure I do them before 2017.
