Resolutions for 2016 - Business and Personal



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All #SmallBizDiary Entries by Katie Hellmuth
The views of this member do not reflect those of Tin Shingle.

It's June 15th, and I'm just now typing in my resolutions. If that's any indication of how the year is going! So before it goes any further, here is what I proclaimed to do this year:


Cook Rice
I have a problem with buying food that is good for me, and not preparing it. Food waste! So am working on this.
June Update: Haven't fulfilled this one yet... 
November Update: Cooked Basmati rice! Was inspired by a Chipolte burrito and made one at home. It was good. My fear was that I would mess up the rice, and that it would take too long. It all turned out OK.

Go to More Events I Cover in A Little Beacon Blog Guides
As a local blogger, I have to know what is going on, and many events are very interesting. But sometimes I hang back and garden in my back yard. resolution is to make more of an effort to attend one of the five amazing things that tempt me on a weekend. 
June Update: Yes, have been exploring more!

Think About Taking an Office
This isn't for this year, and is for the Personal side of Resolutions because I have been working at home for 11 years, and with kids, it's getting crowded. I think it's 2017.
June Update: Major manifestation came true. I moved into an office!!! One year early :)

Deposit Into IRA
When I had a W9 office job, contributing to my 401K was automatic, and matched by my company. Now that I work for myself, and cleaned out my IRA during Obama's 2008 offer to let you use your IRA to buy a home without the tax fee, I need to get back onto the wagon of of depositing into my IRA.
November Update: I have not completed this Resolution yet (gasp). But I did initiate a workshop in my new office for myself and other self-employed creative types to learn how to plan for retirement, save money, and invest.

Watch More TV
I don't binge watch TV. I have kids, so I fall asleep when they do. But I'd like to watch more TV to A. be more modern and know what everyone is talking about, and B. relax!
November Update: I have not completed this Resolution yet. But I have been reading a fiction book at night!



Pitching the Press
Ironic, I know. Being that Tin Shingle teaches how and empowers others to do this, I actually don't do it often for my business. I am usually found tinkering under the hood of this website. In my business partnership with my former partner who came from the PR world, I left the pitching to her.
June Update: that Sabina no longer my business partner here at Tin Shingle, pitching the press definitely falls onto my plate! Tin Shingle just started an accountability group called PR Challenge that meets every other week, and I am part of that group! I moderate it, and I participate, challenging myself to reach out and pitch. And do homework on publications and reporters so that reaching out and pitching can become easier.

August Update: 3 media features have happened so far!

This Article Idea
Last year, I had the idea for this article for knowing if you fulfilled your prior year's New Year's Resolutions or not. I wanted to pitch it to the press, but it was too late, as I had the idea in late December. So here we are, and as of August's edit to this article, I am asking Tin Shingle members to contribute their 2016 resolutions as well so that we can get an early start in getting their stories to the media. 

Because you ever ask yourself if you were successful in the prior year's resolutions when you are making new ones? What if your New Year's Resolutions are on repeat and you never realized it? Let's see progress, people!

November Update: Am just starting to pitch this. It's a little late for long lead media, but heck, we're moving forward and pitching ;)

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