It's Super Bowl Weekend, Can Your Business Still Get PR Around This Timely Topic?


Maybe you've been planning to use the Super Bowl as a trending topic to get press around, yet maybe you put it off. Or perhaps you thought it wasn't for you - this sport may have nothing to do with your business. But there is an important factor to the Super Bowl that we did not discuss during February's TuneUp: unpredictability.

During the TuneUp, we covered ideas and angles you could be pitching that are relevant right now this instant. While going through the "short lead" press ideas, aka social media, blogs and TV, I mentioned the Super Bowl, and then nixed it, saying it was days away and too close to get any press for. But here's where the unpredictability card can be played to give you more time: The Commercials.

Super Bowl Ads and Hot Topics After the Game

The commercials usually lead to big discussions and debates, and you never know where they are going to take you. In 2015, the Nationwide Super Bowl Ad, "Dead Boy," about a boy who died in a car accident, created a lot of discussion. The predicted Most Controversial ad for 2017: 84 Lumber's ad showing a mother and daughter making their way across the Mexico/U.S. boarder. Or Budweiser's shift away from Clydesdale horses into (also) the immigration issue, with their ad featuring a small business run by immigrants.

Watch as many pre-game Super Bowl commercials as you can before the game, and start brainstorming how you're going to get your company in on that for opportunities to be quoted in online articles. Or write some yourself. Good publishing sources for you are your LinkedIn page, your business blog, and Twitter and Instagram using images to represent your article. This will require swift pitching to the press, but if the press doesn't respond or pick it up, then off to your own website's blog and to your own LinkedIn profile you go. This is a trending topic, though, so don't wait too long for a response if you're going to publish your idea on one of your platforms. Go ahead and do it anyway.

PS: We updated Tin Shingle's Exclusive Instagram Hashtag Cheat Sheet with #superbowl hashtag ideas - we did the research so that you don't have to! This is a members-only tool, so if you're a member, click right here and make a hashtag list in the notepad of your phone for this weekend and beyond!
Hint: Our favorites include #superbowlnails, #supererbowlbaby #superbowlfoodies - but there are more.

Hey - if you get press via this route, pitch your success story to Tin Shingle - we may want to feature it on our blog!

Want Super Bowl PR? You've Got 1 Move Left
