Submitted by Katie Hellmuth on | 0 Comments

Today is the first day of this year's Tin Shingle PR & Social Media Challenge! This is the chance for members of Tin Shingle to connect with one another face-to-face via computer (like we do for TuneUps, but this time YOU get to be on camera too!).
What You Can Expect:
1. Bring your goals. Any goal - big or small. Examples:
To schedule my Facebook posts.
To get print press in XYZ magazine.
To get over my fear of video on Facebook Live or Twitter Live (aka Periscope).
To finish a big project which is XYZ that I need feedback on so that I can start pitching.
2. You can participate via phone or computer, but we prefer computer so that we can look at each other!
3. This goes every other Tuesday. If you need to skip one, that's alright. If you join during a later week, that's alright too.
Tin Shingle Members can get the link by clicking here.
Not yet a member? Activate your membership today and see you soon!
Speak soon!