Submitted by Katie Hellmuth on | 0 Comments

You've been hearing about it...the new membership models that are coming to Tin Shingle. There are only weeks left to lock in your membership at the $99/month level before it returns to its original price of $150/month for the All-Access Pass, once our new membership levels are unveiled (remember, if you're already a member, your price is locked in at its current price). But the best part is...
You can get 4 Free Months of Membership Today for Cyber Monday! Our Yearly plan is on sale now for 20% off. The price is already marked down in your shopping cart, so no need to type in any coupon code! Just place the Yearly plan in your cart and proceed through checkout.
If you're currently a member in the monthly plan and wish to upgrade your savings, check your inbox right now for the Secret Coupon Code we just sent you for an additional 10% off!
What you can start using right away as a member:
- Watch any TuneUp you want at any time - for free. You'll love our latest training tuneup, How to Take Great Photos for Instagram and Social Media, with Jackie Foley
- Plan ahead with Editorial Calendars - what are big magazines working on right now? You'll have instant access to see.
- Promote your business in Tin Shignle's Business Directory and Shopping Guides
- Connect with other business owners and marketers for new business BFFs.