Submitted by Katie Hellmuth on | 0 Comments

Helllllo Everyone!
TruthBomb here - this post includes the words "what we did while on break", but the truth is - we, like many of you, took a break! We did not work, we played with our families, we cooked, we saw a bunch of movies in the theater (yes, that includes Star Wars, Daddy's Home, Alvin and the Chipmunks Road Chip...and that's just from my end of the spectrum which only includes kid-friendly movies).
But now that's it's Monday - the first Monday of the New Year - we have something for you!
The Training Webinar TuneUps in the Guide "How to Get Your Product to Celebrities" have been restored.
Now all recordings in this Guide series are available for you to stream now. If you are a member of Tin Shingle, these are instantly free for you when you are logged in, from any device - computer, iPhone, iPad, Droid, etc. If you are not a member yet, you can buy individual classes that fit your needs. These webinars are part of Tin Shingle's entire collection in the Classes section.
Those podcasts include the following. If you are reaching this blog post at a later day, it is entirely possible that more podcasts or classes have been added to this collection as we design, develop and tape new ones.
[#TuneUp] Celebrity & Stylist Outreach Secrets
[#TuneUp] How to Get Celebrity Buzz for your Brand Even if They Aren't Using It
[#TuneUp] Fail-Proof Your Outreach to Celebrities & The Press
[#TuneUp] How to Host a Product Preview (for Press & Celebs)
[FREE #TuneUp] Your PR & Social Media Questions Answered [Editor's Note: Includes "How to Get Your Food Product to Celebs"]
[#TuneUp] Introduction to Working with Style Bloggers (the Online Celebrities)
Then, get pumped for this week's Live Training TuneUp because Sabina is going to lead you through Tin Shingle's monthly TuneUp series: What to Pitch the Press This Month: January, for long lead and short lead ideas. When you are on the call, you will come away with ideas on what to pitch the press, what to put on your own business blog, what to tweet about or images to make for Instagram. It's your monthly refill of what themes are possible.
If you haven't signed up yet for this free training TuneUp, do it now! We look forward to connecting with you on the call.