Snagged: Emily Elizabeth Jewelry "gets Lucky (Magazine)" after answering a PR Lead


I know for a fact that Emily Kolins of Emily Elizabeth Jewelry is involved and engaged in her PR campaign (in fact, she's one of our most loyal PR Tune Up class attendees).  Perhaps because "how you do anything is how you do everything", Emily's dedication and attention to detail is also reflected in her amazing jewelry which has been featured quite often in the press, most recently thanks to a PR lead Emily answered. 

Read below to hear how Emily snagged her lastest press hit and find out from her what she learned in the process of scoring a Lucky Magazine Deal of the Day that she would like other small business owners to know.  Want more Emily Elizabeth Jewelry when you're done with this story? Be sure to check Emily's jewelry out in newstands this month in People StyleWatch's September issue (!!).  You see entrepreneurs: beautiful work on your craft plus hard work on your outreach equals amazing press! It can be done!


How often do you work on your DIY (do-it-yourself) PR?  
I try to do something everyday Monday-Friday.

How long did the entire process take (days, weeks?)
This is the second time I scored this Lucky Magazine through Tin Shingle so this time around it was much faster. The initial process from the first email to the deal was about a month. I sent my initial pitch for a hair comb through Tin Shingle and was connected to Lucky through Sabina within a few days.

Can you walk us through the process, from pitch to placement?
We agreed upon the pitch theme, discount, deal date and other details and was eventually sent a contract. The process was very quick and efficient (They didn't even request a sample!) I waited about a month after the first Daily Deal to check in and see if they were open to doing a second deal.

They were but I held off and began the process again in July for the deal that ran Sept 4th featuring my Astrological Pendant Necklace.

Did you learn anything through this process that you can share with other small business owners?
Remember that when doing a deal, always pick an item you will still make a good profit on even when heavily discounted and to always keep in touch with the person who handled your deal so you're fresh in their mind when you approach them the second time around!  
