Taap Your Way to a Better Local Experience


Have you ever realized one morning that you're supposed to catch up with a friend for a birthday celebration that night and low and behold you have forgotten to go out and buy them a gift. You'd love to pick her up something from the local shop down the street, but you just don't physically have the time to get there before heading out for the evening. Wish that you could go shop your favorite local shop without actually having to go to the shop? Now with a sweet little mobile app called Taap.It you can shop, eat, live and share local all from the comfort of your computer or smart phone.

Taap.it allows you to browse for specific products, exact dishes, and particular services (more than just store name and location) that your neighborhood stores have to offer. Everything comes with photos so you know exactly what you are getting. You can buy directly on the app and enjoy fast local delivery (even same day!).

Available for the Android and iTunes marketplaces and servicing the NYC area. Click here to download for free.
