Your Inner Cheerleader


I admit it, I’m a Joe Vitale fan.  If that makes you stop in your tracks and has you off to read another post, I won’t fault you! But if you bear with me for just the teensiest minute, he had something really interesting posted in his email newsletter today.

Most of us have an inner critic, but we don't
have an inner cheerleader.

Oh, of course! How many times have you looked at yourself or your business and thought – I’m not doing this right, I could be doing better, I should be doing more? How many times have people told you that you are your own worst critic? There’s definitely a time for self and business-reflection and it is important to take an objective look at where your business is going and course correcting along the way when needed, but there’s also a time when you need to motivate yourself and your team, to rally the troops if you will and rise to the occasion. There are times when you need to tap into your inner cheerleader!

I don’t know what your high school was like – I went to a pretty big school in Georgia and Friday nights in the South were – and still are – dedicated to high school football. I was in the marching band and so had a front row seat to my town’s weekly love affair with grass, dirt, sweat and pigskin. The games were mostly exciting (!) - but the cheerleaders were the ones charged with pumping us up regardless of the score.

N o,  N  o  r ,  N  o  r  c  r  o  s  s ,  Norcross. Devils…

We chanted, we sang, we did the wave, we stomped our feet and pounded our fists all under their direction and all in the name of school spirit. It was a way to bring hundreds of people together to cheer our team on to victory – or just on in some cases. In high school, the cheerleaders were important. They embodied that school spirit that lived in all of us. But why do we leave that behind in high school, or in college? Why is the inner cheerleader in us just relegated to cheering on our favorite sports teams? Why not tap our inner cheerleader for any big moment in our businesses or our lives?

So the next time you’re getting ready for that big TV interview, new client presentation, or upcoming speaking engagement, revert back to high school for a minute and create a mini pep rally for yourself – even if it’s only in your head.

Who rocks the house?

I said that WE rock the house!

And when WE rock the house

We rock it all the way down!