Welcome to These New Members of Tin Shingle! February Week 3


A big welcome to these new members of Tin Shingle! Sometimes we know folks who join Tin Shingle and we know what their goals, and sometimes we do not! Everyone's buzz-building story is different and uses Tin Shingle in unique ways. Our favorite part is watching the growth that involved members' experience as they work it to empower themselves and grow their brand!




Angel West
Angel has been a fan in Tin Shingle TuneUps, learning all she can. With her premium membership, Angel can now press play on all TuneUps at any time!





Garry James
Tin, a New Media Company

We are looking forward to discovering the goals of Garry James! Their new website looks pretty neat - and hey - we like that name! LOL





Christina Faraj
The Bra Fit Expert

Christina, also known as Tina, has been a listener/viewer on Tin Shingle TuneUps, is active in her and my hometown of Beacon, NY, and I happen to know on of her first goals - which I will keep secret for now because it involves national television and I know that she can do it! Christina's personality and her expertise are a perfect placement for the media outlet she is targeting. Fingers are crossed! Christina activated her subscription membership after attending our latest TuneUp that focused on building upon your expertise.
