Submitted by Katie Hellmuth on | 0 Comments

Lately, co-founder Sabina Hitchen has been hosting a new Periscope series called "Live at 5: PR Tip of the Day" in which she shares one PR idea or tip with you. As with any delivery from Sabina, you're getting more than one tip and idea, and you're always getting a serious dose of motivataion. It's like going to the gym for your brain but you didn't need to leave the computer. You will come away with ideas and confidence and you will be hooked - it's how I have been her business partner for so long!
In a "scope" from last week ("scope" is shorthand for "an episode on Periscope from someone you follow"), Sabina's theme was "PR Starts at Home". It was so good, that we captured it and uploaded it to Tin Shingle's Periscope Files at YouTube for you to replay whenever you want. In the video, Sabina stresses how important it is for those around you - your friends and family - to know what it is that you do. This sounds simple and obvious, but more often than not, I'm going to wager that you do not go into the glorious nitty gritty details of what you do for a living. When asked if those in your social circles really know what you do, your answer may be: "My family doesn't get it," or "My family doesn't know what I do - it's too complicated - they don't really care."
So here's the thing, and this was Sabina's point in the Periscope we saved for you and uploaded here to our "From the Periscope Files" playlist that you should subscribe to: your friends and family do care, and they want to know about what you do, because your product or service may be able to help them. Sabina stresses a lot in our TuneUp training webinar series that you designed your business around something you love and know is important to people. People need it, right? So people need to know about it.
During the video, Sabina told the audience to have a "Proclaim It Moment". We viewers all got very excited and started commenting to each other on Periscope while she was talking (BTW this is how Periscope works - viewing and typing at the same time). One regular viewer, Ginger-Vee Carter, owner of, rapidly typed in:
"It's action time!"
And that was awesome. Ginger's words are our Quote of the Week in this week's #SmallBizGoodness newsletter.
Here's an excerpt of what Sabina said during this scope, and you can listen to it in full in the video below. For more "Live at 5 PR Tip a Day", follow Sabina on Periscope at @SabinaKnows, and follow Tin Shingle for all highlights at @TinShingle.
"The more people who know about what you do in your own world, the more people in the world will know about your business."
"Share what you do with everyone in your life. You probably think that you share too much, but you probably don’t. This is not like perfume where you put it on subtly. Many people in your own close circles may not know what you do. Do you talk business all of the time with your friends? Probably not. How will they know what you do? The world needs you. The world needs what you do. Tell them."
"Think about the people in your life who you rely on. Your fitness trainer or instructor. Your financial adviser. Your child care center. You love them, right? You spread the word about them, right? Time to spread the word about what YOU offer to others."
Watch the video below, and if you want more of this, you'll love Tin Shingle's TuneUps that have Sabina, myself and a few guest experts pumping you up and training you in creative and powerful ways to get the word out about your business. To get really hooked in and to get access to more hands-on tools for building buzz about your business, start a Tin Shingle subscription membership. It's awesome.