Submitted by Katie Hellmuth on | 0 Comments
Just like our Tin Shingle members, I peruse the PR Leads that come in daily to Tin Shingle, looking for media opportunities that might be a fit for our business. When I saw a lead from Reva Seth, looking for working mothers who felt that their children actually helped their careers, I was hooked. Usually the media feature stories on the opposite, so I was eager to contribute to this theme. The book is called The MomShift and it was published this year and has a companion website following more career success stories of women.
My children have helped my career, in that they have forced me to make career decisions I was putting off or avoiding. This included forcing me to let someone else do something that I am quite capable of doing (ie delegating and not drowning in my todo list), being more selective with clients and thus happier, closing a door of my business that was bringing me more stress than joy, only to open a door to another area of my business I'd had on the shelf for years.
However, running a business with children is not easy. One has less time that one's competitors, and traditional things like maternity leave will be different for an entrepreneur than for a mom with a 9-5 job who may have an official maternity leave policy written into her employment contract. During my interview with Reva, we discussed maternity leave, as it was something I was going through at the time when I was pregnant with my son, who is now 2 years old. I'd written an article about it for Tin Shingle, and Reva ended up publishing my thoughts from that article in her book.
It's quite an honor to be included with so many other important and eye opening stories of how women have found career success after having children, and how they approach it differently and in ways that work for their families. Reva guides the reader through the stories with gentle yet spot-on insight from her own observations and experiences. This book is my new best mom-friend. It is a comfort to read, and I don't want to reach the last page! Always a sign that I have a good book in my hands. :)