Submitted by Katie Hellmuth on | 2 Comments
Local media still hot right right now, even as national magazines close and re-open (ahem, Newsweek) trying to figure it out in this digital culture. People are still reading local and regional magazines, and acting on what those magazines recommend and curate.
Pitching a local magazine can be different than pitching a national magazine. For our next live #TuneUp, our guest expert is Olivia Abel, editor and chief of the Hudson Valley Magazine, one of the largest regional magazines serving the beautiful train towns along the Hudson River, just north of New York City.
Best of all, we're taking your questions for this live interview. We want to know what you as a business owner have encountered when pitching the local media, and what you've always wanted to know before pitching an editor or reporter for a local magazine.
Submit your questions in the Comments below!
Register for the class and attend "in person" via your phone!
annonymous replied on Permalink
Hi, thank you for addressing
Hi, thank you for addressing issues to those of us wanting to learn press protocol.
My question is: It seems that only the advertisers in the local magazines get the press stories, is that how most work?
Thank you for your response.
Thank you for your question!
Thank you for your question! We will work it into the carriculum.