Social Media Etiquette: Check Yourself before you Wreck Yourself


I knew social media had really saturated our country when both of my parents started messaging me on my Facebook wall, and my friend's dog Janet launched her own fan page.  In fact, last week while watching CNN International I heard these interesting facts about Facebook:

* If it were a country Facebook would be the 3rd largest in the world
* Indonesia is the fastest growing country of FB users
* Facebook is rapidly taking the place of social interaction.  Okay I kid that last one was mine, but     sometimes it sure feels that way.

That said, I came across this article today about the 5 Misues of Social Media and I thought I should pass it along!  Though it was written for freelancers I believe many of the rules apply for small businesses and entrepreneurs.  From a PR perspective, the two I come across the most often are Self Promotion Overload (I've hidden so many Facebook feeds in the past few months just to escape these irrelevant promotions) and those who share too little.  Also, though he didn't really delve into it, I feel that at times we can try to be too clever or mysterious on Facebook and end up just confusing the end user.

Sure understanding social media is a work in progress, but while we work to learn how to best use it to our advantage, I encourage you to watch out for the things talked about in THIS ARTICLE


Great spot, Sabina! That article was perfect perfect perfect. Everyone should go read it, especially if you have clients and are balancing how social media can build your business, as well as unintentionally hurt it.