SNAGGED! The Winning Pitch Behind A Fortune Magazine Story for VERG (Veterinary Emergency Group)


How Veterinary Emergency and Referral Group Pitched Fortune Magazine

You get PR Leads from your sources like HARO and Tin Shingle, and you send email pitches out with fingers crossed. But what is your success rate? Do the writers respond, wanting more information?

This week, Maria Moss, a Tin Shingle member and Communications Director for Veterinary Emergency & Referral Group (VERG) in Brooklyn, got a PR Lead from a writer Fortune Magazine via her Tin Shingle premium membership and answered it right away. Within minutes she heard back from the writer, who wanted more information. How did she tempt the writer and lock in the reply so quickly? Maria agreed to share her winning email pitch, and I will point out the successful strategies in all of their glory. The original query wanted feedback on a recent Purina story that has been in the news.

Hi Mark,
I’m a TinShingle member. My boss, Dr. Brett Levitzke, veterinarian and Medical Director of Veterinary Emergency and Referral Group, has been the go-to expert on this topic since the story broke. He’s been on national TV numerous times talking about the safety of dog food and jerky treats. Here’s a link to one of his interviews:
If you would like to set up a phone interview or just send him questions by email, please let me know. We would love to contribute to your story. I’ve put Dr. Levitzke in copy in this email.

Maria Moss Davidson  -- Director of Communications & Marketing
Veterinary Emergency and Referral Group (VERG)
Brooklyn, NY
VERG North – 718.522.9400
VERG South – 718.677.6700

Moments after sending this, Maria heard back from the writer, who sent her a list of questions that Dr. Levitzke could answer.


  • Short and Sweet: Maria included only the most important information for this story, and included a link to where the writer could find proof that Dr. Levitzke is an expert on this topic.
  • "The Sizzle Phrase": Maria found her sweet spot with how to position Dr. Levitzke quickly. Says Maria: "I didn’t even do my normal pitch format. Just sold him as an expert. I learned the sizzle phrase- “go-to expert” from you lovely ladies on Tin Shingle TuneUps. Thanks again!"
  • Closes the Deal: Maria made it easy for the writer to take the next step and take action towards Dr. Levitzke. She presented easy options that Dr. Levitzke could do on the writer's timeline, like to "set up a phone interview or just send him questions by email."

The story hasn't gone to print yet, and we all know the drill with press: wait until you see it in print or on the air to celebrate. But we are calling this a SNAGGED! success story because the first priority in pitching the press is to get a response. The rest is a delicate dance between you and the reporter/editor/producer. Stay tuned to see how this story plays out!

Knowing how to pitch the media is a major step to securing press for your brand. Tin Shingle empowers small businesses, experts and brands to make this happen through our unique membership program. Get instant access to Media Contacts at major magazines, Editorial Calendars, select PR Leads, an all-access free pass to all of our exclusive TuneUp Webinar series. Plus, you'll be a part of a trusted community of other businesses via our Message Boards/Forums Learn more about membership with Tin Shingle.
