No Free Turkey Sandwiches: A 2 Minute Read for Those Tempted to Say Yes to Offering Free ANYTHING In Business



I'm guessing that you're reading this because even though you've read our posts on Fear-proof & Fail-proof Ways to Say No and No Free Brainpicking there are times when you still need a little bit of inspiration in the "no I don't give away my products/service/advice for free as a business owner" department.

Never fear! We have your back! In fact, co-founder Katie Hellmuth-Martin does if you want to get specific.  You see, there have been times that I have been tempted to give away the goods (whether they be business tips, advice, contacts, etc.) because I have reasoned "well it's only a little ask, and I mean I do it all day long so it's not that hard for me to do..."  Well that was the old Sabina.  The new Sabina doesn't do that, and one reason why is the No Free Turkey Sandwich Rule that Katie taught me.  The next time you are asked and tempted to give a little bit of what you do away for free, because it's "just once" or "just a little" tell yourself this story (don't worry it's a 15 second story so you'll be able to do it in your head on the spot when you get the ask):

No Free Turkey Sandwich Story & Rule

Once upon a time in a land not too far away that requires a little imagination, there lived a deli owner.  Everyone loved and praised this deli and he had a storage closet and front counter packed with supplies to make turkey sandwiches.  Now it's time for your imagination to kick in, pretend that YOU are this deli owner.  Now pretend that someone came in and said "Howdy [Insert Your Name Here]! You know I hear you're the best at making turkey sandwiches and I'm such a fan of your deli.  Since you have the supplies right there can you just slap together some turkey, cheese and bread, hold the mayo, and give me a free sandwich?"

What would you say?  Well it's a no-brainer, you'd say no.  You wouldn't give away a free turkey sandwich to anyone.  Sometimes when you're business owner you can't visualize this "no freebies" rule because it isn't as clear as the turkey sandwich story, especially if you're an expert or service-based business.  But guess what? It's the same thing.  End of story.  You may not be selling cheese or turkey but a business is a business, and just like a deli, you don't give parts of it away for free.

No Free Turkey Sandwiches!

The end!
