Submitted by Katie Hellmuth on | 0 Comments

Jackie Deals is a raves and review website with the mission to showcase empowered women who have taken action on their dreams to create and grow a business. Jackie Berlowski is a member of Tin Shingle and has featured several incredible businesses, including a few friends of Tin Shingle like Katie Danziger of NomieBaby, and Erin Bickley and Jenny Greer of Hold Your Haunches.
Jackie provides personal video commentary on each product and works with the women behind the brands to offer her readers an exclusive discount accessed via the "Get The Deal" button on her website. Readers get the deal code found on Jackie Deals to use during checkout at each business’s website.
In her own words: “I am an entrepreneur, a mother, a wife, a native New Yorker, a coffee addict, an animal lover, a serious chocolate devourer, and a BIG supporter of women kicking some serious entrepreneurial ass. I enjoy learning from others, being inspired by those who follow through on the craziest ideas, and supporting other females following their dreams. My adrenaline rush comes from finding the next “must-have” item.”
Since Jackie Deals of a website that is deeply connected to the inspirations of its founder, we are providing Jackie’s words on what she is looking for in a featured business:
There are so many incredible entrepreneurs out there and we would love to feature them all! However, we keep an intimate gallery, so you won’t be overwhelmed pouring through hundreds of items. We select the best of the best for you to enjoy. To be on, one doesn’t necessarily need ALL of the following, but we certainly try to check most off the list.
1. I have to love and appreciate the brand that I’m featuring. These are products I use/wear/eat/become slightly obsessed with/tell my friends about and have pretty much become a part of my daily routine or you’ll see in my closet…or kitchen.
2. It’s not that I only appreciate one of their products, but I need to believe in the brand in its entirety. These brands are creating high-quality, unique items that women want in their lives.
3. Not only are you pouring your heart and soul into your beautiful creations, but you also give back to fellow females.
4. You have made a beautiful product that solves a problem.
Good luck, Tin Shinglers! The contact details are in your PR Center in the Ongoing Leads section, or by clicking here. As always with any press mention, if this does work out for you, add it to your Press Portfolio that Tin Shingle members are adding to constantly to highlight their press. If you are not a member of Tin Shingle yet, click here to learn more about membership.