Submitted by Katie Hellmuth on | 0 Comments

Editorial Calendars for 2017 are trickling in online. We've got 2 of them for you: Food Network and House Beautiful, with more to come. If you're a Media Contact or an All-Access Member of Tin Shingle, you can log in now and find these Editorial Calendars in the Member Resources tab.
For PR Newbies: Editorial Calendars are the broad plans of magazines for what they are going to cover each month. It's a great way to know when an issue is going to use broad concepts as their inspiration for the month, such as "Porches Patios Pools and Pergolas" or "Color" or "The Big Flavor Issue. Travel".
Editorial Calendars can be extremely fun to look through, as they give you ideas for what types of story ideas to pitch to a magazine, as it relates to your business. Tin Shingle's collection of Editorial Calendars include the Submission Deadline, and the Newstand Deadline. Once the Submission Deadline has passed for a particular month, that Editorial Calendar item will disappear off of the Tin Shingle website.
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