Man Down! We're Closed Today


Closed due to no babysitter childcareEven Tin Shingles get the blues. The ultimate blues is probably when you aren't able to work, but want to, but can't because a little bundle of joy needs you and is in your arms exchanging nose kisses. Such a day happened to me when my childcare schedule recently changed when I started my daughter in "baby school" (aka daycare) on M/W/Fs. I'd been working with a great sitter until then, and then had to scale her hours back when baby school started. Which forced her to look for more work elsewhere, which finally happened this week. My 5-day 10-4 work week shrunk to 3-days, and my Tuesdays/Thursdays are suffering a setback until we get off the waiting list for an additional day at baby school. I emailed my partners, who are of course the ever-understanding types who have totally busy schedules as well, but still the guilt resides, and frustration that I can't contribute as much as I'd like. Which really, could be 24/7 because the ideas don't stop for Tin Shingle and other initiatives I am involved in.

As my daughter and I took a stroll down our Main Street, I passed this sign in a friend's shop: "We will be closed today for Dr. appointments and the lack of a babysitter." A communal "I feel you!!!" washed over me, as I realized I was "closed" too. Even though I'm not a store owner of a physical space, I do run two businesses, and a passion project. So no childcare means, the shop in my home office is closed. Yet on the bright side, other things open up, like chalking on our make-shift eisle on the wall (aka grocery bag taped to wall), trips to Target to just walk around without rushing to get somewhere and create wish lists, and all in all, gain perspective.

Seeing this sign made me feel not so alone, and reminded me that we all have bumpy schedules, and to just roll with it. My daughter and I strolled into one of my favorite shops, PLAY, where I could test the toys on her to see which ones she liked for Christmas. And she liked the pet rock the best because of the loud noise it made when she threw it to the floor. Really?

So Tin Shingle on, my friends. It will all be ok. Even if we can't move as fast as we would like to sometimes.