Submitted by Sabina Hitchen on | 0 Comments

Any app that promises to "put the Internet to work for you" is always going to pique my interest, and when my husband - a man I'd describe as a choosy app fanatic - began singing it's praises, I had to check it out. It, my friends, is IFTTT, otherwise known as "If That Then This". Why are you going to love it? It let's you preserve precious brain space and get more time back in your day by letting you program "recipes" into your phone that will trigger your phone, app and other products to do things automatically for you after you set up an "IF" or "DO" recipe command. In other words, things will happen during the day that will trigger responses from the apps on your phone. Sound confusing? I promise it's not.
Click here to learn more about how this App can free up more space in your day!