Highlighted: Your Brand Name Above the Fold in Search Engines


Search Engine Brand Above the Fold StudyI'm a person who has her eye in search engines a lot to see where brands are ranking in those search results, and how I as a writer can influence those results. If you don't know, this is called SEO (search engine optimization). One interesting factor I always come up against is competition against yourself in search engine results. This means if a blog reviewed your product or service, and then outranks your own website for a term you are competing for.

MarketingProfs highlighted a study by Conductor where a brand name's recognition was measured in search engine results, and it included PPC (pay per click) campaigns, which is essentially the Sponsored ads that run down the right side or directly above search engine results.

The study measured how people viewed a brand by just seeing it in the search results for a generic term, which in this case was "buy refrigerator", to see if a brand that came above the fold for any reason (on a blog, the brand's own website, Google Ads, etc) made a lasting impact for later buying decisions.

And it did.

My highlighted takeaway: even though you're competing against yourself in search engine results, if your brand name is in the title (the blue underlined link), chances are good that you are sealing the deal for brand awareness and possibly to land the sale come purchase time.

Read MarketingProfs article here, and get the full study from Conductor here.