Submitted by Katie Hellmuth on | 2 Comments

We've known Nadia Murdock-Villar when she was still plotting her big dreams of owning a public relations firm, and becoming and author. This new year of 2013 will be big for Nadia, since she has launched her fashion and fittness publicity company, Manchester Public Relations, and just launched the first in a series of fittness books, You Can Have it All. But, when her publisher put her book "on hold", Nadia didn't take note. She went full force with a different way they could publish the book.
Nadia tells us how in our exlusive interview with her:
What inspired you to get started?
A part of me always knew I wanted to be my own boss. There are two things career-wise that have made me happy and that is fashion and fitness. After giving it much thought and doing freelance work for an extended period of time, I stopped talking and started "doing". I launched Manchester Public Relations, ordered some business cards and put myself out there. I landed my first client a sample sale and that's when I knew I made the right decision by dismissing all the fears that were in the back of my mind. That same year, I submitted my application to write for as the New York Fitness writer. That's how both my passions became reality!
What was your background? Was it in what you were doing now?
I earned my B.A. degree in Psychology which in actuality has really helped me learn how to deal with different personalities and cope with the ups and downs that come with having your own company. After working for a year, I decided to pursue my M.A. degree in Communications with a focus on Public Relations. During that time, my passion for fitness continued to grow and I was self-educating myself daily on nutrition and fitness trends. This led me to write for which enabled me to write my eBook You Can Have It All:Fitness Edition.
What challenge have you had to face that led to a big growth for your company?
After writing for the for 2 years, I knew I wanted to take it to the next level and write a book. I had learned a great deal of information during my time at including interviewing experts, discovering the hottest gyms in New York and gaining knowledge of fitness trends. I wanted share this wealth of knowledge beyond the scope of my readers by writing my book You Can Have It All.
The book was to be published January 2012 in hard copy. Unfortunately the publisher was unable to move forward and it was indefinitely put on hold. Saddened by this news, I thought to myself: "Well at least I tried," and that was an accomplishment enough. However, a part of me couldn't just let all my hard work go to the wayside. I reconnected with my publisher and pitched the idea of publishing my book as an eBook, which they loved! I thought outside the box and didn't give up, that's a lesson I will never forget.
What do you have going on in your business right now that you're excited about?
The first edition of my eBook You Can Have It All: Fitness Edition is now available everywhere eBooks are sold (so exciting!). In 2013, the additional sections of my eBook, Nutrition and Fashion/Beauty will be published. I am also focusing on integrating fitness/lifestyle into Manchester Public Relations, which was solely fashion PR when it was originally founded. In addition I recently received my Zumba certification and am working on additional fitness certifications for 2013.
Where would you love to see your business in 5 years?
I would love to grow my company Manchester Public Relations into a non-traditional PR firm which would allow me to marry fitness and public relations. You will just have to check back with me in 5 years (hopefully less) and see what I have come up with!
I would love to grow my company Manchester Public Relations into a non-traditional PR firm which would allow me to marry fitness and public relations. You will just have to check back with me in 5 years (hopefully less) and see what I have come up with!
Kat replied on Permalink
Congratulations on your book!
Congratulations on your book! Awesome.
Nadia replied on Permalink
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!