Submitted by Katie Hellmuth on | 0 Comments

As you are searching through the Media Contacts, researching and plotting for who you will reach out to next, we wanted to be sure you knew how to use the easy filter tool when narrowing down your search.
If you were looking for a specific outlet, say, the Steve Harvey Show, you could go to the Outlet Name field, pull it down and scroll. Or, you could start typing in Steve, and the outlet will display for you! You click on it, and run your filter. Below is a short video that walks you through this.
If you wanted to get more precise about areas of interest, you could add a 2nd filter onto your search, and tell the system only to look up people who have a keyword in their description. Keep in mind that no everyone types in their description in a way that you think they might, so do a cross filter, but if you get zero or phew results, try looking at the media outlet at large.
Once you find names you want to keep track of, we have added a new tab in your Media Outreach Tracking Sheet, where you can record the names, emails and Twitter handles of people you intend to pitch, and why you want to pitch them. This makes your list very easy when you have a story idea, you can refer back to your list of media names to find the perfect fit, and reach out to pitch them your story idea that features your business!
Do you wish you had access to our Media Contact database, and free access to the template referred to here? Join Tin Shingle today and get started!