#SmallBizSpotlight Featured Member: Anthony Vargas


Anthony Vargas owner and ceo of Tilth beauty

Redbook says Tilth Beauty's Argan-Tangerine Deep Cleansing Lotion is an essential product to try this summer. Daytime television show, The Doctors includes Tilth Beauty, with its use of quality anti-aging marine ingredients, in an at-home beauty routine to "sea yourself new". What's more...Anthony Vargas, founder and CEO of Tilth, uses windpower to generate 100% of the energy used to produce his product packaging. Tilth Beauty thrives on a luxurious and effective skin care line of healing botanicals and non toxic ingredients.  Otherwise known as a well respected skin care expert and guru, Vargas has proven to be the powerhouse of the success of Tilth Beauty and shares his inspiration and experience as we sit down to chat for another #SmallBizSpotlight.

Tilth Beauty high performance toxin free Skin Care

What inspired you to get started?
Having worked in the cosmetic corporate world for over 30 years, I saw the need to develop a line of skin care products that the consumer wanted. Most marketing groups just wanted the latest and greatest technology and did not pay attention to the real consumer needs. I saw an opportunity to develop my own skin care line with what the consumer saw as important to them.  I saw the need for a line that was high performance yet lacked the controversial ingredients that were being displayed in the news. A line that the consumer can feel safe and confident that it works.

What was your background? Was it in what you are doing now?
My educational background is in chemistry. I have a B.S. degree in that with a minor in biology. I have used that education to help develop and formulate skin care products for over 30 years. First at Avon and then at Elizabeth Arden where I spent the last 23 years helping to develop their biggest skin care brands. My most recent position there as Vice President for Research and Development.  This has given me the resources to develop my own brand of skin care products with ingredients that I know are effective and safe for the consumer.
What challenge have you had to face that led to a big growth for your company?
The biggest challenge is getting the word out about the company. When you are new, no one knows you and are leery of purchasing your products. Even if your products are effective, you need to get the product name out there so consumers know your products. As they see the brand name out there they become more comfortable in purchasing your products. As this happens the word gets out and more people begin to purchase your products. This leads to the growth of your company as it has with ours.
What do you have going on in your business right now that you're excited about?
Right now we are developing major leads into different retail outlets that will help expand the business. This is an area that with help grow the business and bring our products to more consumers. It’s a learning process, as every retailer has different terms and conditions. It’s exciting as it will really expand our sales.
Where would you love to see your business in 5 years?
Tilth Beauty Skin Care ProductIn five years I would like to see the business selling well in major retail outlets. I want Tilth Beauty to be known as the most effective and safe skin care brand out there. I want to expand the line to fill all consumer needs and then focusing on a possible new line of products for unmet needs of a younger consumer. It’s an area that we are following closely as more consumer are starting to focus on their skin at a younger age.