NYC Marathon November 1st: Ann Mehl Explains What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Marathoners


Over the span of 16 years, Tin Shingle member Ann Mehl has run over forty marathons – NYC, Boston, Marine Corps, The Washington D.C. Marathon, Berlin, Stockholm, Quebec City, St. Louis, Dublin, The New Jersey Shore, The Rock in Roll Marathon in San Diego and Chicago to name but a few.  Ann is also a Martha Beck certified life and career coach who "helps people over their finish line."  We asked her, what can entrepreneurs learn from marathoners?   Here are her thoughts:

The 26.2 mile distance has taught me a lot about what it takes to set a goal, maintain focus, and follow through.  As an entrepreneur and certified coach, I work with clients who, like me, often struggle with finding motivation, direction and confidence.  You certainly don’t have to run a marathon to know what it’s like to feel resistance. And so here are some of the lessons I’ve gleaned from the marathon to help you get motivated, keep pace and remain focused, whatever your particular “finish line”.

Stretch. Not much happens of any significance when we're in our comfort zone. Had I not dared to stretch myself beyond the one mile distance, I may have never known my full potential. I ran my first marathon in Boston in 1993 to prove to myself that I am strong and capable. The marathon taught me that I could achieve anything when I put my heart and mind into something. Stretch yourself. Surprise yourself. Do one thing each day that scares you.

Make the time. Whether you want to run a marathon or write a book, it all begins with carving out the necessary time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. So why do some people seem to do accomplish so much more? They do it by giving themselves the time. Create a short, achievable list of priorities and then make the time.

Pay attention to the inner voice. It is your constant traveling companion, and it can be your greatest friend or worst enemy. Snag any limiting voice when it surfaces and identify that i t is your fear talking. Learn to identify negative self-talk patterns and replace them with more constructive inner dialogue. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, either way you are usually right."

Just show up. According to Woody Allen, 80% of success is just showing up. That means you can't run a race if you don't make it to the start line. Don't be too easily swayed by your moods. Even when you don't initially "feel like" doing something, just taking the very first step will usually help you get in (and stay in) the mood.

Tune out the noise.  Modern living is full of noise – literally and figuratively. Too much of it, and it can distract you from what you need to accomplish. Learn to quiet down your internal and external environment to the point where you can truly hear yourself. It will help you to stay focused and conserve precious energy.

Take in the view.  When I am running, I often have to remind myself to take in the view. A new city, changing seasons – there's a lot to enjoy. Doing this helps me to stay "in the moment" and distracts me from whatever temporary discomfort I may feel. It also provides an energy booster when I look up and smile or talk to someone. Same as in life, as in running. As the saying goes "Life is a journey, not a destination."

Sometimes you'll stumble.  False starts are central to the process of running, and awakening. So you miss a day's training, or you go nuts on dessert. Big deal! Start over again tomorrow. Perfectionism only causes stress and anxiety, and will eventually lead to burnout.

Buddy up. No man is an island, as John Donne once noted. Develop and nurture a healthy network of friends and partners who will support you in your endeavors. You will need them when the going gets tough. I believe that we carry one another in spirit. When someone falls down, go back and help them up. You may be able to do it all on your own, but you don't have to. Model after others if it will help you to move forward.

Laugh. Don't take life, running or yourself too seriously. And there's a lot to laugh at (especially in the marathon!). One good belly laugh a day is essential for optimal mental and physical health.  

Run your own race.  Ultimately, only you decide how you will run the race. Nobody else can run it for you. Learn to listen to, and trust your own intuition. You may take the counsel of those you trust, but don't be afraid to disregard it if you feel you know better. Dare to listen to the beat of your own drummer. Nobody knows you better than you.


 -Ann Mehl,
Certified Martha Beck life and career coach

