Diaries of Small Business Owners is Launched!


It is with great pleasure and abundant excitement that we announce (to all of you first) the launch of our newest editorial series, Diaries of Small Business Owners, which star YOU!

We know that the day-to-day lives, adventures, struggles, ups, downs and successes of entrepreneurs and small business owners are more interesting, juicy, and addictive to follow than any reality television show (sorry Honey Boo Boo).  We also know that your lives are never short on such stories, and for that reason we’ve created this platform in which our ProPreneur members can share personal and business achievements, struggles and musings called Diaries of Small Business Owners. Here is a little bit more about this new series:

Who Reads These Diary Entries?
Anyone in the world can read them, and we at Tin Shingle pitch them to the press from time to time when the media is looking for juicy stories.

What Do I Write About?
Your everyday struggles, achievements, musings, epiphanies, and more. Other small business owners and dreamers will be your readers (so no, these diaries aren't private), so give them something to think about.

How Do I Start? Where Is My Diary?
Firstly, you must be a ProPreneur member. If you're not fully hooked into our system, click here to start a monthly or yearly subscription.

Then, click into your Account Center (located in the top right corner of the screen). In your Account Center you will find a link listed as “Diary Entry” from which you can add and edit your Diary Entries.  Before you get going, be sure you click here to look over the Diaries Editorial Policy.

We can’t wait to read about what goes on behind the scenes in your businesses and lives!