Diary of a Small Business Owner, nomie baby Edition: Chunk It


* Missed Katie's last Diary entry?  Check it out HERE!

"Chunk it"

I don't know about you, but there are many days that I tackle my "to do" list, and it just seems to get longer.  This is especially true after a great and productive meeting.  I always end up leaving the meeting feeling energized, but also overwhelmed by all the new projects or things "to do."  Very often this feeling can lead me to feel that there is so much to do, that I don't know where to start, so procrastinating sets in, which of course gets me no where.

I remember sitting in my daughter's teacher conference a few years ago, and it was suggested that since my daughter often has very big ideas, the best way to approach them without getting frustrated and sidetracked, is to "chunk" the assignment.  This was wonderful, practical advise, and I have found that I use all the time in my own day to day life and in business.  Now when my "to do" list seems daunting, I "chunk" it!  I pick one or two items to tackle a day, and check them off.  Of course, there are times when I get sidetracked, but I have found that when I pick one or 2, I am usually able to accomplish them by the end of the day or week (especially since my days often don't end until very very late)!

I also have to continue to remind myself that things take time, and living in a world of instant gratification, this is often hard to remember and live!  In the fall, after a year since my original outreach email, a major retailer signed the papers and took nomie baby products for their online store.  I was thrilled, but also wanted to be in their stand alone bricks and mortar stores.  I was told that they would see how things sold online first, and if they were happy, they would order for their stores.  That was in the fall.  Last week I saw the first of their orders for these stores.  It was not only thrilling to get the order and to see that they were happy with sales, but it was once again a reminder that " Petit à petit l'oiseau fait son nid...little by little the birds build their nest."  When I played competitive sports, this is what my teammates and I used to say to each other throughout the game, and it makes sense  building a business as well!