Diary of a Small Business Owner, Katie Danziger of Nomie Baby: What to Do & Who's to Do It?


This week Katie talks about dealing with her "to do" list.  Want to read Katie's diary entry from last week?  Read it HERE.


There are so many daily challenges to running my own business.  One is getting up every day and figuring out what to do, knowing that what ever I chose to do, means that I will not be doing many other things on my growing list.  Prioritizing is key, but it makes me feel guilty, because like many people, I know I chose to do the things that come easily or that I enjoy, and put off those things that are either difficult, I don't enjoy, or I am not good at doing.  The other day Sabina, my PR guru, posted on FB to start the day with the hard stuff so the rest of the day is better.  I really tried to do that, to get it out of the way and over with, but of course it bogged me down and took so much longer, that I got very frustrated.

How do I get over this?  I guess I could acknowledge that it's all part of the big picture, or say that it will be a growing or learning experience, or that by doing it more I will get better and it won't be so bad, or that it's character-building, OR I could farm out the parts that I don't like or don't do well, and accept that I am not going to have complete control over everything, but on the other hand it will get done!  I think in the long run, this might be the answer for me.  Now the trick will be to find someone who I trust enough to hand over part of "my baby".