What goods a press hit if you can't share it? Media hits should always be saved in your website & media kit, sent out to leverage your press, and saved to show potential buyers.
Normally when a clip is in print we can easily scan it and put it on our site etc. What do you do when that press clip appears online? After trying numerous ways to do this quickly, efficiently, and at minimum to no cost to our clients, we solved the problem at Red Branch PR last year and I'm excited to share it with you:
Short and sweet, we now use the program "SnagIt" which snags web pages whether they be scrolling, a clip or window, or the just a screen shot. Even better? You can use a free trial for a few months so you're not spending any money and it's the easiest thing to use - even for an inept computer klutz like me!
Happy snagging!
Adrienne Dorsey replied on Permalink
Great tip, thanks!
Great tip, thanks!