Launch a Business While Working a Full-Time Job


Risa Weledniger Goldberg & Leslie Venokur : How did you grow your business while keeping your day jobs?

I (Risa) always had a dream to work for MTV and I feel that doing online advertising sales for MTV keeps me hooked into the cutting edge world of online advertising so it is beneficial for my Big City Mom advertisers and sponsors.  Leslie always had the dream to have her own retail store and working for Kidville she gets to buy for and run five retail stores with many of the top of the line children's products in the marketplace. We hold a lot of our Big City Mom events at Kidville so that has been a great partnership. Both of us have been able to follow all of our dreams, career, business and motherhood.

Rachel Dooley : As a lawyer by day, how did you get started as a jewelry designer and create Gemma Redux?

As someone who has a very active mind, I have always been crafty and enjoyed doing things with my hands, it seemed to ground me. I was also that little girl selling bracelets at the pool. As I was studying for my bar exam I was going stir crazy and was completely stressed out. I saw a necklace in InStyle magazine that was over $10,000 and I thought, I could make something like that. I bought some supplies and started making it and started incorporating my own ideas. I kept buying more supplies and making more pieces and soon I had a lot. I started by giving away the pieces to my girlfriends and then people started asking to buy them. I made my boyfriend (now husband) learn HTML and build me a website and started selling online.

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