Use to make that URL tiny. is a free tool online that lets your shrink URLs that are too long to ft into small spaces. Like this one from an Operation Nice Twitter post:
How to use TinyURL:
1. Get the web page you want the URL for, and copy the URL from the address bar. To copy, highlight the entire URL. You can do this two ways:
a. Highlight the whole thing with your mouse, which could be cumbersome.
b. Place your cursor in the address bar and: hit CTRL A (for Select All) or click on Edit > Copy
(this is the address bar, at the top of your browser window)
![Address bar for tinyurl](/images/address-bar.jpg)
2. Go to
3. Paste that URL into the little text box that is on Tinyurl's home page.
![Paste into tinyurl](/images/paste-tinyurl.jpg)
4. Click "Make TinyURL!" and you will be presented with...a tiny URL. Copy and paste that where you are going to use it!
NOTE: There are a lot of ways to skin this cat...what's yours? Do you use ? Please share.
beth replied on Permalink
Mystery solved. So easy
Mystery solved. So easy even I can do it. Thanks Katie!