I have been trying to put a press release together and at the same time come up with a unique way to pitch my clothing to the press, and who ever is interested!! Since most people are so busy to really take in all of the info you have to offer, is it easier for them to watch a short 2min. pitch/product video?
Though a video is a great idea, and I think nothing tells a story better than a visual and you speaking, it is always necessary to have a written pitch you can email. You could even embed images in this pitch to "spice it up," but not everyone will take the time (or have the time) to watch your video, and it also prevents them from receiving your pitch via mobile device (which many will do), and because of technical reasons or blocked video, and the fear of spam, some may not watch it at all.
I often send the Tin Shingle video to people after we've been emailing and only to people who trust my email, as these days you can never trust any video someone sends you that you don't know due to viruses.
So I'd say a video is great idea, but it's still going to have to supplement a written pitch.
Bonus though - your video pitch will also be an "insta-reel," meaning, if you ever want to go on TV. Nine times out of ten you will not get there before showing them your reel, or yourself on camera, so that producers know you can perform. For national TV, this can be a must.
Click here for more on pitching TV.
Click here for why video is important for your PR campaign.
Hope that helped - lights camera action ; )