

How Do I Add Reviews To My Facebook Business Page?

Your Facebook Business Page most likely has the Reviews tab enabled already, but it may be buried under other tabs, so that even you cannot find it. If you can't find it, how will a happy customer when they want to leave a review on your Facebook Business Page?

Facebook tinkers all of the time with its layout, and doesn't always tell you when a change went into effect. Here is how to un-bury your customer and client Reviews, which can often tip a customer over the edge of the fence towards buying your product or service.

Top 3 Things to Do for Your Social Networking When You Have No Time to Do Anything

I know some small business owners have the same sentiments about social media management as they do about doing their taxes: complete dread. As far as they’re concerned, they’re already busy doing what feels equivalent to 10 jobs; how are they supposed to learn another one? I honestly love talking to people like this.

The Time Commitment of Social Networking

Social media and networking is hot hot hot! More and more businesses are wanting it. But few know how much work is involved with running social media for a business. Doing it well can create a steady rythm of sales for a product or service professionals. Doing it poorly can dry up a brand by making it look old and ancient even if it's alive and kicking and screaming to get more sales.


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