Social Media


3 Ways Social Media Influencers Can Impact Your Business

There are so many new buzz building techniques that come and go, and new social platforms popping up regularly that it's hard to know where it's best to spend your time and money.  One of the newest and most popular marketing strategies that businesses of all sizes are using is social media influencer marketing.  It's a mouthful, but in layman's terms it's simply a campaign or partnership between your brand and a Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or blogging influencer who can help you share your brand story, product or service with their audience in a strategic way.

4 Things You Need to Know Before Working with Social Media Influencers

Working with social media influencers (a social media personality that can influence your visibility, brand story, trust-factor and long term sales) will help you reach an audience that you may never have reached before thanks to their blog readers and social media followings.

What Apps Make Working with Photos on Social Media Easier?

Using photos in social media can be a high impact strategy for your business.  Obviously you want to be sure you're posting photos of yourself, images for your profiles and finding great pics of your products and services, but some of you may want to share a photo collage or perhaps a motivational or inspiring image-based poster on Instagram of Facebook.  Often it's not a lack


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