I know...I know...you're deep into all of the memes, fact checking, and discoveries made by friends after the first presidential "debate" (was it a debate? or a soggy mashed up episode of Dr. Phil and Judge Judy?). If you are a parent, you also might be deep into Morning Meetings of Remote Learning and helping your child stay on track at home.
That's why this TuneUp is fast! We breezed through one of the best marketing tools you have, but may forget to use: The Testimonial.
Testimonials are one of the best ways to convince a potential client or customer to buy from you. They are often the most forgotten marketing tool you can acquire and use! This TuneUp will dust off your Testimonial Hunting skills (because you have to go out and get them - they won't just drop from the sky! unless you're a seller in Amazon or have a Shopify shop and have a widget).
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