There's a new phenomenon in blogging, and it's becoming a visibilty and revenue booster for businesses big and small. Personal Style Bloggers have emerged as their own brands and are driving fashion and accessory sales as well as engaging in brand partnerships in a major way. They are the new celebrities and thousands of followers as well as traditional media are covering their styles in stories. So how do you get your brand onto a Personal Style Blogger's blog? And what should you expect once that happens? We'll tell you in this class!
- What are Personal Style Bloggers and what type of content do they create?
- What is the power and influence of this type of new “media”? Why should fashion and accessories brands be paying attention to and growing relationships with these bloggers?
- Does the influence of these bloggers extend beyond their blogs into social media and other places?
- How can a brand who hasn’t worked with a blogger like this before figure out how to find the blogs that would “match” their brand?
- Is there a general rule of thumb as to how many of these bloggers should a business should work with?
- How do you decide when to pursue more bloggers, or do you do it on a case by case basis?
- Once a brand has picked a couple style bloggers to connect with, how do they begin their outreach? Email? Social Media?
- Does a business need to "woo" a personal style blogger? Is there a strategy to approaching them? Do you recommend diving right in or are there other steps you should take before you reach out (follow them for awhile, tweet with them, etc.?)
- What items do you need to have prepared and read to send to a personal style blogger in just a few clicks? Does a business need linesheets, samples or other tools?
- What should an initial pitch to a style blogger look like? Is it the same as pitching any other fashion or accessories blogger?
- Should a business expect to have to send product/sample to a style blogger as they’re hopefully going to wear it in photos? And will that blogger keep it?
- If a business pitches a style blogger, and doesn't hear back right away, is that silence the answer of "no"? Do you keep emailing them? Does a brand wait months for them to follow up and respond? Should a business take their outreach to Twitter? What would you recommend?
(RELATED: For tips on best ways to communicate with stylists and celebrities on Twitter, click here to learn about our class, Using Twitter and Social Media to Boost Your PR Success)
- After a brand gets press from a personal style blogger, what is the next step in growing the relationship with the style blogger? Do you send a thank you note? Gift? Email?
- How do you recommend leveraging this style blog post for maximum impact?
- How often can a business pitch a style blogger after they've landed a placement on their blog?
- Is there a pay-for-play format with style bloggers for coverage on their blog?
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Jamie Werner is the PR Director at Moderne Press, a San Francisco based boutique public relations agency, that represents brands in the fashion, home décor, and lifestyle industries. The media strategists at Moderne Press feel passionately about working with boutique and small business brands, and value establishing the brand's voice in order to heighten that brand’s visibility. Moderne Press has placed clients in a variety of media such as People StyleWatch, Real Simple, Elle Décor, House Beautiful, Martha Stewart Living, Better Homes & Gardens, Brides, InStyle, Good Morning America, Vanity Fair, DailyCandy and Apartment Therapy among many others. Follow Moderne Press on their website, www.modernepress.com, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.