We’re in the middle of a “social migration,” as we’re calling it here at Tin Shingle. Behavior at social platforms like Facebook and Instagram are changing. Usage activity at Facebook is still high, but it’s an increasingly questionable place, both with data privacy, and being over-designed and over-stuffed with information, causing users to miss a message.
As reported by CNBC in March 2018: “Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg broke his silence Wednesday on the Cambridge Analytica data scandal that's plagued the social media giant in recent days and slashed stock value. ‘We have a responsibility to protect your data, and if we can't then we don't deserve to serve you,’ Zuckerberg said in a statement posted to his Facebook page.”
Instagram’s co-founders abruptly resigned from Facebook two weeks ago, just one week before Facebook announced another data breach. They had worked there for six years after the merger, which apparently is a long time in the world of acquisitions. Would Facebook ever pull the plug on their-self if they were too weighed down with data issues? It's a very unlikely scenario, but is implied by Mark's statement. Plus, Facebook has deleted websites they have purchased in the past (like that data storage website Drop.io that was pre-Dropbox and we stored lots of stuff there!).
Social Is On Shaky Ground. We All Want To Connect, and We Will, But...
What do you have in your own tool belt (hopefully) all of the time that you can control?
Your website.
And how are people finding it?
Googling stuff.
What are they going to find there?
Amazing content you’re going to put at your website, and lots of pictures.
What do people do after they Google things? They buy things and subscribe to newsletters. Your newsletters and your products and services.
That’s right. Good old fashioned SEO.
The three most important things you can be doing right now for your business is what we will be covering in this TuneUp :
- Making your website pretty and alive.
- Sending newsletters to the people who subscribed and really do want to hear from you - frequently (they really do!!!)
- Posting to Instagram (yeah, do it, we’ll be watching to see if and how the user experience at Instagram changes, but so far, keep posting)
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