[PR] Tuneup: What To Pitch This Month July 2021


What To Pitch The Media This Month: July

We did this! We brought back Tin Shingle's monthly series, "What To Pitch The Media This Month: July 2021"

We went over ideas for national print magazines (6 months ahead), local (2-3 months ahead), and trending news stories right now. (HINT: This is the time for Holiday Gift Guide pitching! That coveted print space in November/December issues.)

This TuneUp is a menagerie of ideas. Not only did we go over monthly themes you could spin your business pitching into, but we also covered:

  • Trending news stories you could latch onto.
  • (ex: Refinery29's obsession with Mom Jeans- why?! why are they stealing our sexy?)
  • How to make your own news.
  • Did you participate in a protest? Tell someone about it - outside of your Instagram.
  • Different ways to pitch.
  • What to do when you get press coverage.
  • Why Instagram isn't enough.

PS: This means Office Hours were closed, as we did the live, free, open to all TuneUp at 3pm instead.

PPS: If you couldn't make it to this free broadcast, Tin Shinglers with the Media Membership get 24/7 access to watch any TuneUp whenever they want. Activate your Tin Shingle membership today to get access!
