[PR] TuneUp: What To Pitch The Media During: August 2019


In Tin Shingle's exclusive monthly TuneUp series, "What To Pitch The Media This Month," we zero in on what you should be focusing on for the current month for your PR and Social Media campaign planning. This is especially important for those of you who want to get featured in national magazines.

Covered In This TuneUp:

  • Magazines (in print) (story ideas relevant for 6 months from now)
  • Blogs / Podcasts (story ideas relevant for 1 week to 2 months out)
  • TV (story ideas relevant for 1 week to 2 months out)
  • NEW! Seasonal (photo shoots dependent upon weather)
  • BONUS! We are having a Special Guest in for this TuneUp! The former publisher of the magazine Traditional Home, Beth McDonough, will give us a Pop-Up Publisher Exclusive view of what magazines are working on now.

Sneak peek of what Beth reveals to us: "Most of the national books (aka magazines) will be focusing on finishing up their Holiday issues and turning their attention to next year. Think about seasonal stories for 2020 (yes a year out) for titles that will be looking for Holiday themes that they will need when the weather is cooperative."

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